Deadline: 30 October 2010
JUDGE: Mark Doty
First place award for best unpublished poem:
$1000 + publication in Mudfish 17.
Publication for honorable mentions.
Every poem entered is considered for publication in Mudfish.
Guidelines: Include a cover letter with name address and titles of poems. Do not allow name to appear on poem pages.
Enclose $15 for three poems and $3 for each additional poem.
Make checks payable to Box Turtle Press.
Submit to: Mudfish Poetry Prize,
184 Franklin Street, New York, NY, 10013
Include SASE for notification results.
Manuscripts will not be returned
More information here.
JUDGE: Mark Doty
First place award for best unpublished poem:
$1000 + publication in Mudfish 17.
Publication for honorable mentions.
Every poem entered is considered for publication in Mudfish.
Guidelines: Include a cover letter with name address and titles of poems. Do not allow name to appear on poem pages.
Enclose $15 for three poems and $3 for each additional poem.
Make checks payable to Box Turtle Press.
Submit to: Mudfish Poetry Prize,
184 Franklin Street, New York, NY, 10013
Include SASE for notification results.
Manuscripts will not be returned
More information here.