Deadline: open
Speculative Submissions
While there are no present “plans” to publish the following anthologies, if you’ve got material that fits it and you want to send it to us on long term speculation, we’ll take it. Ideas for anthologies include these:
The Faith of our Mothers
This might not actually be your female ancestors, but it should be stories of faith of real women at least a generation older than you are. Of course people like Susanna Wesley fit, but look for the more obscure ones like Mary McKendree, the invalid mother of Bishop William McKendree, a physician, a general, and lots of other outstanding children.
Out of the Kitchen
When Sarah T. Hughes (who much later swore in Lyndon Johnson as President) was suggested as judge of the 14th District Court of Texas in 1935, a senator made a comment about the need for her to stay in the kitchen and not take the job of a man. Women pioneers in all the professions faced this kind of obstacle. Do you have stories about them you want to tell?
Life Spinning Moments
Sometimes a comment or an event pivots a life into a new and startling direction. What happened, and where did the spinning end?
How We Want It:
Electronic submission is preferred, with the manuscript or poem pasted into the body of the email. We are giving first preference to poetry of less than 50 lines, and prose not exceeding 1500 words. Poetry shorter than 12 lines tickles the editor in charge of formatting and stands a good chance of being used if the quality's there. We ask for one-time rights. If the submission has been previously published, cite each prior publication. If prior publication history is not included (including "This piece has not been published") the piece will not be considered. We require that a 50-100 word biographical sketch, written in third person, be included with the submission. See the authors page for sample bios. Entries not meeting this requirement will not be considered.
Silver Boomer Books reserves the right to edit text for grammar, spelling, punctuation and minor syntax errors -- that's what editors do. We consult with the author before making major changes.
Please don't submit material you sent previously for a Silver Boomer Book as we have that and will be contacting authors if we feel the work would fit in future anthologies.
Electronic submissions:
* Email us at
o Identify the anthology, with the title of collection in the subject line.
o Still on the subject line type "Submission -- Prose: Name of Entry" Substitute your title for "name of entry" and for poetry substitute "poetry" for "prose."
o Do not put more than one poem or piece in one email.
In the body of the email type this information:
* Your name
* Your pen name if you desire to use a different name
* Your mailing address
* Your email address
* Your telephone number
* Previous publication history of your submission
* Word count for prose, line count for poetry. In counting lines for poetry, start with the first line and count each line to the last including blank lines.
* A 50 to 100 word biographical sketch of yourself written in 3rd person. See the Silver Boomers authors' page for style.
* Cut and paste your entry into the body of the email.
o Multiple submissions are welcome but must be in separate emails with all information listed above in the email with each entry.
o In submitting your entry, you represent:
* The work you are submitting is your work.
* You have the rights to the work and have not previously conveyed exclusive rights to any other publisher.
* You agree to the terms and conditions set out on this page.
Postal Mail Submissions:
Postal Mail Submissions require prior permission from Silver Boomer Books, 3301 S 14th Suite 16 - PMB 134, Abilene Texas 79605.
What You Get:
Payment is $5 for poetry and $10 for prose plus a contributor's copy. If you label it prose but we think it's poetry, we'll pay the poetry rate. In addition, contributors will be allowed to purchase copies of the work at an author's price for two years following the initial release. All payments are upon publication. Your name and story/poem title will be listed on the website for two years. You will be allowed to post to the authors' blog on the Silver Boomers website so you can publicize signings and speaking engagements as well as comment on the experience.
More information here.
Speculative Submissions
While there are no present “plans” to publish the following anthologies, if you’ve got material that fits it and you want to send it to us on long term speculation, we’ll take it. Ideas for anthologies include these:
The Faith of our Mothers
This might not actually be your female ancestors, but it should be stories of faith of real women at least a generation older than you are. Of course people like Susanna Wesley fit, but look for the more obscure ones like Mary McKendree, the invalid mother of Bishop William McKendree, a physician, a general, and lots of other outstanding children.
Out of the Kitchen
When Sarah T. Hughes (who much later swore in Lyndon Johnson as President) was suggested as judge of the 14th District Court of Texas in 1935, a senator made a comment about the need for her to stay in the kitchen and not take the job of a man. Women pioneers in all the professions faced this kind of obstacle. Do you have stories about them you want to tell?
Life Spinning Moments
Sometimes a comment or an event pivots a life into a new and startling direction. What happened, and where did the spinning end?
How We Want It:
Electronic submission is preferred, with the manuscript or poem pasted into the body of the email. We are giving first preference to poetry of less than 50 lines, and prose not exceeding 1500 words. Poetry shorter than 12 lines tickles the editor in charge of formatting and stands a good chance of being used if the quality's there. We ask for one-time rights. If the submission has been previously published, cite each prior publication. If prior publication history is not included (including "This piece has not been published") the piece will not be considered. We require that a 50-100 word biographical sketch, written in third person, be included with the submission. See the authors page for sample bios. Entries not meeting this requirement will not be considered.
Silver Boomer Books reserves the right to edit text for grammar, spelling, punctuation and minor syntax errors -- that's what editors do. We consult with the author before making major changes.
Please don't submit material you sent previously for a Silver Boomer Book as we have that and will be contacting authors if we feel the work would fit in future anthologies.
Electronic submissions:
* Email us at
o Identify the anthology, with the title of collection in the subject line.
o Still on the subject line type "Submission -- Prose: Name of Entry" Substitute your title for "name of entry" and for poetry substitute "poetry" for "prose."
o Do not put more than one poem or piece in one email.
In the body of the email type this information:
* Your name
* Your pen name if you desire to use a different name
* Your mailing address
* Your email address
* Your telephone number
* Previous publication history of your submission
* Word count for prose, line count for poetry. In counting lines for poetry, start with the first line and count each line to the last including blank lines.
* A 50 to 100 word biographical sketch of yourself written in 3rd person. See the Silver Boomers authors' page for style.
* Cut and paste your entry into the body of the email.
o Multiple submissions are welcome but must be in separate emails with all information listed above in the email with each entry.
o In submitting your entry, you represent:
* The work you are submitting is your work.
* You have the rights to the work and have not previously conveyed exclusive rights to any other publisher.
* You agree to the terms and conditions set out on this page.
Postal Mail Submissions:
Postal Mail Submissions require prior permission from Silver Boomer Books, 3301 S 14th Suite 16 - PMB 134, Abilene Texas 79605.
What You Get:
Payment is $5 for poetry and $10 for prose plus a contributor's copy. If you label it prose but we think it's poetry, we'll pay the poetry rate. In addition, contributors will be allowed to purchase copies of the work at an author's price for two years following the initial release. All payments are upon publication. Your name and story/poem title will be listed on the website for two years. You will be allowed to post to the authors' blog on the Silver Boomers website so you can publicize signings and speaking engagements as well as comment on the experience.
More information here.