Flesh & Bone: Rise of the Necromancers Short Story Contest

03 June 2010
Flesh & Bone: Rise of the Necromancers Short Story Contest
Email entries (via docx, doc or rtf attachment) to: necromancers@pillhillpress.com. Please put SUBMISSION, followed by the title of the story, in the subject line of your email.

Pill Hill Press is excited to announce its second writing contest. Winning stories will be published in a print anthology. Winners will receive:

1st Place - $125.00 + 1 contributor's copy of the book
2nd Place - $50.00 + 1 contributor's copy of the book
3rd Place - $25.00 + 1 contributor's copy of the book
Runners-up - 1 contributor's copy of the book

Send us your darkest, fiercest, most magical DARK FANTASY short story about necromancers and the undead rising...Stories can take place any time (past, present, future, alternate) at any place (Earth, Imaginary Places, Your Grandma's Kitchen Sink, etc.). Stories can be told from the perspective of good or evil or anywhere in between.

Send your best effort. Only one short story per person will be considered for this contest. Final selections will be made after the deadline. Winners will be notified by email. We prefer stories in the 3,000-6,000 word range, though we will accept stories 2,000-10,000 words. Please do not enter stories under 2,000 words or over 10,000 words. Contest entries will be accepted until 31 July 2010. Tentative Release Date: Fall 2010

More information here.
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