The (Unending) Korean War: Academic Conference, Films, Panels and Exhibition Talk (New York University)

23 April 2011
The (Unending) Korean War: Academic Conference, Films, Panels and Exhibition Talk (New York University)
Dates: 22 - 23 April 2011

The (Unending) Korean War: academic conference, films, panels and exhibition talk THIS WEEKEND at New York University. Free and Open to the Public.

Why doesn’t the Korean War end? An academic conference, art exhibit, and series of film screenings examine this war, and the ways in which it has reconfigured memory, political economies, knowledge and culture on both sides of the Pacific, leaving legacies of uprootedness and unending conflict. From Cold war culture to national security policies, “The Unending Korean War” will contextualize the current crisis with new scholarship, films and art in a two day event and a month long art exhibit.


To bring scholars from different disciplines, backgrounds and perspectives with artists, filmmakers students and the broader community to re-examine this on-going war that has impacted, and continues to affect the societies and culture of the U.S., the Koreas, and the rest of Asia.

Friday, April 22, 2011: All Day Conference
Academic Conference – open to the public – 3 panels
19 West 4th St (between Mercer and Greene)

Keynote Address: Prof. Bruce Cumings, Gustavus F. and Ann M. Swift Distinguished Service Professor in History and the College, University of Chicago

Panel I: Cultures of War

Panel II: Cold War Epistemologies

Panel III: Decolonization and Empire

Friday Evening: Reception and Films
19 University Place

Directors Deann Borshay Liem and Ramsay Liem will be present. (A Mu Films presentation)

Saturday April 23, 2011: Panel and Films
19 University Place

Scholars, experts and activists on the situation on the Korean peninsula. Followed by Films on South and North Korea at 1:45 PM: GRANDMOTHER’S FLOWER by Mun Jeong-hyun (A Third World Newsreel presentation) and TIGER SPIRIT by Min Sook Lee (A Women Make Movies Presentation)

Saturday Evening at 6:00 PM: Exhibition Talk on
STILL PRESENT PASTS:Korean Americans and the “Forgotten War”
41-51 East 11th Street, 7th floor, NY NY 10003

A multi-media exhibit that combines installation and performance art, documentary film, archival photographs, and oral histories to explores memories and legacies of the Korean War. Embodying life stories of ordinary Korean Americans who survived the war, the exhibit is a public space of remembering that breaks the silence about a tragic episode in U.S. and Korean history.

Artists featured: Sukjong Hong, Deann Borshay Liem, Yul-san Liem, Yong Soon Min, Injoo Whang, Ji-Young Yoo. NYU exhibition curated by Yul-san Liem. Project Director: Ramsay Liem

Exhibition runs from April 7-May 13th at NYU.

To register for all of the various events, please go to the RSVP Site and scroll down to the [Unending] Korean War Events or email, or call 212 992-9653.

Contact Information:

For inquiries: email

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