Ræd Leaf Poetry India Award 2013 | INR 20,000 top prize

08 June 2013
Ræd Leaf Poetry India Award 2013 | INR 20,000 top prize
Deadline: 6 August 2013

Dear Poet, we thank you for choosing to participate in the RædLeafPoetry-India Award 2013. Please check our FAQ if you have any contest related queries before approaching us. Certainly, we would answer your query if it is not answered already.

  • Long Poems (Rhyme, Freeverse, Prose poem, Doggerel etc.)
  • Short Poems (haiku & tanka only)
  • Entries must be original poems written in English only (no translations)
  • Maximum length of each entry: 40 lines.
  • Contestants may send up to 5 entries each.
  • Age limit: 18 and above.
  • Please do not enter any previously published poems (publication includes, facebook, personal blogs and websites, journals or books)
  • The contestant’s name must not appear on the poem(s) entered for the Award; instead, a separate sheet listing the titles of all poems entered should accompany the entries.
  • The judges will recognize formal dexterity and innovation, stylistic energy, literary inventiveness, and refreshing originality of conception and composition, among other merits.
  • 20 best poets will be Shortlisted. All Shortlisted candidates will be duly notified of what follows next.
  • Make the best use of this opportunity.
  • To check for expected quality standards, please refer to Poetry Lounge.
  • Entries to be original poems written in English only (no translations)
  • Send best 5 of haiku or best 5 of tanka or a combination of both.
  • Please do not enter any previously published poems (publication includes, facebook, personal blogs and websites, journals or books)
  • The contestant’s name must not appear on the poem(s) entered for the Award; instead, a separate sheet listing the titles of all poems entered should accompany the entries.
  • 5 best poets will be Shortlisted in each Haiku/Tanka category or of the combination of both. All Shortlisted candidates will be duly notified of what follows next.

For Tanka

“In form, technique, and subject matter, the modern English-language tanka shows wide variation and invention and appears disinclined to observe any rigid set of “rules” or conventions”
– Michael McClintock

Tanka is deeply grounded in concrete images, and also is laden with lyrical intensity and musicality.
It would be good to see your poem in s/l/s/l/l format, but we are not very particular about syllable count, as long as the poem comes together in a nice way to make it memorable for your reader.
A few examples of what we are looking for:

I’ve this memory–
riding my father’s shoulders
into the ocean,
the poetry of things
before I could speak – Michael McClintock

this autumn eve
my body
and mind float free
in a river of stars – Karen Ceser

For Haiku

Haiku is not a shriek, a howl, a sigh, or a yawn; rather, it is the deep breath of life.
-Santoka Taneda

One to four lines, no strict syllable count, but do be brief. Seasonality is appreciated but not compulsory. Your poem should come together as a work of art, unity and resonance being integral to it.

A few examples of what we are looking for:

between the sky
and the spin of the earth
this falling leaf -Laryalee Fraser

migrating geese —
the things we thought we needed
darken the garage – Chad Lee Robinson

temple path
the dust i kick up
sticks to me – Ed Markowski

When composing a verse let there not be a hair’s breadth separating your mind from what you write; composition of a poem must be done in an instant, like a woodcutter felling a huge tree or a swordsman leaping at a dangerous enemy.
-Matsuo Basho


Long poems:

  • 1st Prize – INR 20000 + Manuscript (Soft copy)
  • 2nd Prize- INR 10000 + Manuscript (Soft copy)
Short Poems:
  • Haiku Prize – INR 5000 + Manuscript (Soft copy)
  • Tanka Prize- INR 5000 + Manuscript (Soft copy)
And there is a bonus to be shared collectively by all winners!

Email your entries to awardsubmissions@rlpoetry.org

Address them as per your submission.
  • Submit RLP AWARD 2013- General poems
  • Submit RLP AWARD 2013- Haiku
  • Submit RLP AWARD 2013- Tanka
  • Submit RLP AWARD 2013- Haiku/Tanka (If sending both)
Disclaimer: In all conditions, Prize amount will remain the same. But subjected to quality submissions, the prize money can be modified, combined (in case of short poems) and awarded to only one deserving candidate if there is no fair second challenger. Similarly, in the case of long poems, if we have no poets deserving highest award recognition, the award may then be withheld. Only deserving works will be recognized else RædLeafPoetry-India is under no obligation to award below average work.


Questions/ submissions: awardsubmissions@rlpoetry.org

Website: http://rlpoetry.org/
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