Women's Web's "My Favorite Female" Writing Contest

13 October 2010
Women's Web's "My Favorite Female" Writing Contest
Deadline: 22 October 2010

Like to read? Enjoy books with strong, interesting female characters? Women's Web 'My Favourite Female' is just the contest for you!

Welcome to the Women's Web's 'My Favourite Female' contest, where all you need to do is write about a fictional female character that really appeals to you. (For purposes of this contest, we're defining 'fictional' as a character from a novel).

What? Pick any female character from a novel, that made you sit up, that made you go wow, that made you laugh or cry, that got you angry, that got you thinking, that made you fall in love - in short, a character that made you feel, 'I wish I had written that!'

How? Tell us what you liked about this character in a blog post. If you don't blog - drop a note in the comments here, or mail us at contests@womensweb.in This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it . Remember, the character herself doesn't need to be likeable, so long as you can talk about why the character appealed to you - actions, qualities or anything else.


- Stick to 500 words or below

- Choose a fictional character - in other words, someone from a novel, who did not exist in the real world (sorry, historical novel characters based on actual people won't qualify!)

- Your entry must be dated between 12th Oct and 22nd Oct, 2010 (or reach us between those dates)

- If you're submitting a blog post, include a link to this page - we'll track your entry that way. (http://womensweb.in/top-level-documents/favourite-females.html)


The best written entry a.k.a 1st prize wins a Rs. 500 Flipkart voucher (or a $10 Amazon voucher if you happen to live outside India). The next two best written entries (2nd and 3rd prizes) get Rs. 250 worth Flipkart vouchers each (or a $5 Amazon voucher if you live outside India).

All 3 winning entries will also be published on the Women's Web blog.

And the Judges?

We have two people from the world of words, who've very kindly agreed to act as judges for the My Favourite Female contest. They are: Devaki Khanna, Freelance Writer and Editor, who is fascinated with literature and history and Nivethitha Kumar, who, along with two friends, runs The Banyan Trees, a literary magazine featuring a variety of creative content. Nivethitha is passionate about writing and blogs at Nivispace. (A preliminary evaluation of entries may be done by Women's Web, if we have a whole of entries - which, we hope we do!)

More information here.
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