Jubillee Room, Galle Face Hotel (Sri Lanka), 7.00pm
Come and listen to Shobhaa De, writer, journalist and style icon talk about her life and read from some of her books.
Come and join Shobhaa De for dinner after the talk at the Galle Face. Tickets at 3,750rs, also available from Barefoot or online.
For further information email: info@galleliteraryfestival.com,
or telephone: +94 (0) 775 488 769
For more news on Shobhaa De:
Twitter: http://twitter.com/deshobhaa
Wikapedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shobhaa_De
Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=frhMkW7ocC8
More information here.