Vanilla Heart Publishing Romance Anthology 2010: Call for Submissions

18 June 2010
Vanilla Heart Publishing Romance Anthology 2010: Call for Submissions
Vanilla Heart Publishing author Victoria Howard, author of The House on the Shore and Three Weeks Last Spring, and of the upcoming Ring of Lies, entered the title voted in as the anthology title in a closed poll, so the title is Passionate Hearts… thank you, Victoria!

What We’re Seeking:

Stories from 1,000 words to 10,000 words (close is good) with significant romantic elements. Prose only, please, no poetry for this one.


> manuscript (of 1,000 to 10,000 words) with a
> synopsis (or blurb if piece is shorter than 3,000 words),
> an author bio including where to find you on the web,
> your full name/pen name, email addresses, and website address, if any.

Submissions are open until August 17, 2010 and the final decisions will be made by August 30, 2010. Please send your submission to and include Passionate Hearts Anthology in the subject line.

Please note, we are not accepting multiple submissions for this anthology. Each author selected for the anthology will be contracted specifically for the anthology.

Each author with a submission selected for inclusion in the print and electronic editions of Passionate Hearts will receive a small payment (via Paypal only), a contributor copy of the print edition upon publication, mention in all marketing and promotion, and author bio and information on the Vanilla Heart Publishing Website Passionate Hearts page.

More information here.
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