Deadline: 31 May 2012
Eligibility: The Vocabula Well-Written Writing Contest is open to all.
Write 200 to 500 words of readable, well-written, even beautiful writing. Send your entries (as a Word attachment) to Along with your submission, you must include your name, address, and email address. Previously published writing — whether on the Internet or in a book or magazine — is not welcome.
Contest Dates: Entries for the Vocabula Well-Written Writing Contest are accepted year-round. Each contest ends on May 31. The next contest begins the following day.
Selection: We accept fiction (but no poetry) and nonfiction submissions. Entries are judged on readability (that is, on being well written, which means, in part, using good grammar and having an engaging style). Submissions not meeting the word count requirements will be disqualified.
Prizes: First prize is $200.
Second prize is $100.
Third prize is $50.
First-, second-, and third-place winners, as well as all honorable mentions, will also receive a year-long subscription to The Vocabula Review. Winning entries will be announced in July or August, and published in the September issue of The Vocabula Review.
Fees: There is no fee for submitting one entry. If you want to submit more than one entry, there is a $15 fee for every entry after the first.
The author retains the copyright to his or her writing. Winners are announced here and notified by email. All decisions are final.
For inquiries/ submissions:
Eligibility: The Vocabula Well-Written Writing Contest is open to all.
Write 200 to 500 words of readable, well-written, even beautiful writing. Send your entries (as a Word attachment) to Along with your submission, you must include your name, address, and email address. Previously published writing — whether on the Internet or in a book or magazine — is not welcome.
Contest Dates: Entries for the Vocabula Well-Written Writing Contest are accepted year-round. Each contest ends on May 31. The next contest begins the following day.
Selection: We accept fiction (but no poetry) and nonfiction submissions. Entries are judged on readability (that is, on being well written, which means, in part, using good grammar and having an engaging style). Submissions not meeting the word count requirements will be disqualified.
Prizes: First prize is $200.
Second prize is $100.
Third prize is $50.
First-, second-, and third-place winners, as well as all honorable mentions, will also receive a year-long subscription to The Vocabula Review. Winning entries will be announced in July or August, and published in the September issue of The Vocabula Review.
Fees: There is no fee for submitting one entry. If you want to submit more than one entry, there is a $15 fee for every entry after the first.
The author retains the copyright to his or her writing. Winners are announced here and notified by email. All decisions are final.
For inquiries/ submissions: