Call for Emerging Asian Canadian Playwrights: The Kitchen and fu-GEN’s Annual Potluck Festival

22 July 2011
Call for Emerging Asian Canadian Playwrights: The Kitchen and fu-GEN’s Annual Potluck Festival
Deadline: 25 July 2011

fu-GEN Asian Canadian Theatre Company is now welcoming submissions for our playwriting unit: The Kitchen. The Kitchen is a ten month supportive environment where participants will have the opportunity to explore and develop playwriting skills through dramaturgical and playwriting exercises, professional and peer feedback as well as the creation of an original piece. The goal is for playwrights to have a better understanding of the craft of writing for the stage, expand and develop skills as theatre creators.

The unit meets on the last Sunday of every month at the fu-GEN workshop space (157 Carlton Street, Suite 207).

We are looking for Asian Canadian artists who are either emerging writers or have a serious interest in playwriting. Your application should include a brief letter of intent describing your artistic interests and outlining what you hope to achieve within a playwriting unit, as well as a 5-10 page writing sample.

As the Kitchen is open to emerging playwrights, we understand your writing sample may not necessarily be in the form of a stage play (ie: poetry or short story). If this is the case, please include in your letter of intent why you feel the playwriting medium is an area you’d like to develop. We require all submissions to be from artists 19 years or older.

We will be accepting submissions until 5pm on July 25th. The preferred method of submission is e-mail, in .doc or .pdf format. You may also submit by mail, but submissions will not be returned once read.

To submit – or for further inquiries about the Kitchen – please contact Andrew Cheng, Associate Dramaturg at

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