The United States in Afghanistan 2011 Summer Leadership Institute (Cranaleith Foundation)

06 February 2011
The United States in Afghanistan 2011 Summer Leadership Institute (Cranaleith Foundation)
Deadline: 1 April 2011

The United States in Afghanistan: A Summer Leadership Institute for Teachers, July 11-15, 2011

Choices invites applicants for its 2011 Summer Leadership Institute on The United States in Afghanistan. Participants will receive an academically rigorous introduction to the foreign policy debates and historical underpinnings of the complex situation in Afghanistan today. Using Choices curriculum, participants will explore effective instructional strategies for engaging adolescents in the study of this important region of the world. Themes covered at the institute are likely to include:

* The Culture and History of Afghanistan
* Regional Politics in Southwest Asia
* What's at Stake in Afghanistan?
* The Longest War? Terrorism, Warfare, and the U.S. Military

New this summer is the inclusion of leadership building skills and strategies for expanding the scope of Choices' work with educators. Choices will expand its outreach to teachers in the coming years, and the 2011 Institute will continue to build a group of educators—Choices Teaching Fellows—capable of enhancing the work of Choices nationwide.

The 2011 Choices Summer Leadership Institute will give teachers the opportunity to:

* Deepen their knowledge of Afghanistan and Pakistan through lectures from scholars in international relations and foreign policy
* Sharpen their teaching skills by sharing lesson ideas and strategies for using existing and "in development" Choices curriculum units
* Expand their leadership skills by developing an Action Plan to introduce the Choices model in their school district and beyond

Benefits include:

* The chance to work with other innovative and dedicated teachers to develop and test teaching strategies for using the new Choices unit on Afghanistan and Pakistan
* A certificate of completion
* The opportunity to become a Choices "Teaching Fellow" and the right to apply for a Summer Fellowship at Choices
* Meals, housing and reading materials throughout the Institute


* Attend the Institute in its entirety
* Submit and carry out a final "Action Plan" which documents how you will play a role in introducing Choices to other educators
* Contribute to an on line discussion of the progress of your Action Plan

Download application

Completed applications must be received by Friday, March 18, 2011. Notification of selection will be on or before April 1, 2011.

You may submit your application via email, fax, or mail.


fax : 401-863-1247

or mail to:

The Choices Program
2011 Summer Institute
Brown University, Box 1948
Providence, RI 02914

NOTE: The Choices Program 2011 Summer Institute is being made possible with the generous support of the Cranaleith Foundation.

More information here.
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