KALA-Kuwait Poetry Recitation Competition

07 October 2010
KALA-Kuwait Poetry Recitation Competition
Deadline: 10 October 2010

Kerala Art Lovers Association (KALA-Kuwait) conducts every year a function named October Anusmaranam in remembrance of famous Keralite poets, lyricist, writers etc who passed away in the month of October. As a part of it Kala is conducting a poetry recitation competition on October 15th at 4 pm onwards at Kala Centre. Participants are only allowed to recite poems written by Sri Vayalar Ramavarma and the time duration allotted for the recitation is 7 minutes only.

Those who wish to participate in the competition should register their names on or before October 10th with any of following numbers: 24317875 (Abbasiya Kala Centre), 9593175 (Fahaheel), 97496171 (Salmiya), 99026571 (Abbasiya).

The winners of this competition will receive their prizes during the October Anusmaram program which will be held on October 22nd.

More information here/here.
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