Sandburg-Auden-Stein Residency (USA)

22 June 2010
Sandburg-Auden-Stein Residency (USA)
2012 Sandburg-Auden-Stein Residency: Intensive Learning Term poet-in-residence program, from 30 April to 18 May 2012. An award of $3,100 (plus room and board) will be given to the 2012 poet. The Humanities Department faculty will evaluate the submissions and choose the winner. Poets who have published at least one book of poetry are eligible.

Submissions are due on Sept. 10, 2010, and should include the following: five poems from your most recent book, a single page personal statement regarding your poetics and teaching, a current résumé and two references. There is no entry fee. Contact Kirk Hendershott-Kraetzer, Ph.D., Humanities Department chair with any questions.

More information here.
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