Hosted by LASALLE College of the Arts Singapore campus, the theme of the 2010 Forum - “Social Cohesion and the Arts” - aims to explore the role that the arts can play in helping to bridge gaps, build social capital and strengthen social cohesion.
The Forum will offer delegates and participants the opportunity to input their thinking on a range of topics and interact, network and engage with those at the forefront of emerging issues on social cohesion. In addition, there will be an opportunity to address the recommendations raised from the “Commonwealth Statement on Culture and Development” by the Commonwealth Foundation, in particular, a lack of understanding of culture and the arts resulting in the absence of its integration.
Held over 3 days, the Forum will attract participants representing:
* Specialists in community partnership;
* Engagement specialists;
* Artists and artisans engaged in cross-cultural creation;
* Practitioners involved in audience development, particularly with multicultural and youth audiences.
More information here.