Inviting Stories for Chicken Soup for the Indian Teenage Soul on Love and Friendship

29 September 2010
Inviting Stories for Chicken Soup for the Indian Teenage Soul on Love and Friendship
Deadline: 15 October 2010

Last dates for accepting submissions: 15th October 2010. I will close as soon as I have selected my 101 stories for the same do do try and send them fast.

The write-ups will carry the contributor’s name. Westland pays Rs 1000 per story and two copies of the book. We carry a 3-4 line profile on all contributing authors. We accept blogged and published work too provided the authors get the reprint permissions. The copyright of the stories stay with the author. We have carried up to five stories per person so multiple entries are welcome. We accept poems too (provided they have a story in them).

One need not be a teen to write, you could write in reminiscence or Recipe for a Chicken Soup for the Indian Teenage soul on love and friendship

A Chicken Soup for the Soul® story is an inspirational, true story about ordinary people doing extraordinary things. They are personal and often filled with emotion and drama.

Publishing house: Westland

Please send your stories to:

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