Good Read Elsewhere: Khurshid Alam's 4 Poems in Muse India

26 July 2010
Good Read Elsewhere: Khurshid Alam's 4 Poems in Muse India
Writer's name: Khurshid Alam
Title of work: 4 Poems
Genre: poem
Name of magazine/journal: Muse India
Issue: July 2010

Author's bio: Khurshid Alam, MA in English Literature, is a Technical Writer with an IT company based in Gandhinagar, Gujarat (India). Besides technical writing, he writes poems, stories, short flash fiction, and on life, literature and culture. Many of his poems have been published in various journals and magazines in India and abroad such as Meantime (Kerala, India), Muse India, Mainstream (New Delhi), ken* again, and The Blue Fog Journal, and The Quatrain City to name a few. Other writings are coming with The Feline Muse, The New Criterion, Kaal4Flash and others. Two of his poems have been included in a book titled An Anthology of Contemporary Love Poems published by The Blue Fog Journal. Many other writings are in the queue to be published in various journals. He edits Contemporary Literary Review: India and is currently working on a novel.

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