What is New Voices?
In September 2010 we launch a global search for fresh writing talent to join Mills & Boon’s galaxy of romantic fiction stars.
A celebration of romance, New Voices will put entrants through their romantic fiction paces – and we want you to have your say every step of the way!
The winner of the competition will win some fantastic prizes, including publication of the winning entry by Mills & Boon and a Mills & Boon editor for a year!
How Do I Enter?
Anyone who hasn’t been published before (see the Ts & Cs for more details!) can enter the competition; all you need to do is upload the first chapter of your Mills & Boon novel to this website from 6th September 2010. There’ll be just one entry per person allowed, so make sure that it’s your best! So, get writing!
How Will It Work?
There’ll be FOUR stages to the competition:
Stage One
We want everyone to upload the first chapter of their Mills & Boon novel! The best bit is that you’ll be able to read everyone else’s entry as well – and be able to comment on them too. Let’s get the romance debate going!
Stage Two
The Mills & Boon editorial team will whittle down all the entries to just ten finalists, who’ll be asked to write the second chapter of their Mills & Boon novel.
Stage Three
We’ll ask YOU to vote for your favourite entry out of the top ten. Along with the judges, you’ll decide on the four finalists who go through to the next round!
Stage Four
The finalists will write the ‘pivotal moment’ of their Mills & Boon novel. Then, with the judges, you’ll decide the winner by voting for your favourite.
Power to the romance fans!!!
How Do I Get Involved?
Whether you’re a writer or a reader – we need you! We’d love you enter the competition, and you can also join the debate:
* Tell us which entry is your favourite
* Tell us what kind of romances you like – and don’t like!
* Vote for your favourite finalist and help to decide the winner
This is your chance to have your say about what Mills & Boon publishes and we can’t wait to hear from you!
And if that’s not enough, we’ve also got some great prizes and giveaways, so there’s plenty of reasons to stop by from 6th September.
More information here.