August Moon Publishing's Short Story Contest (3 Genre Categories)

25 August 2010
August Moon Publishing's Short Story Contest (3 Genre Categories)
Deadline: 31 October 2010
Eligibility: open to international entries
Reading Fee: $15
Accepts (genre): short stories (three categories mentioned below)
Prize/Payment: $1,000

We're looking for fiction that stands out. We want quirky, fun and unique writing. Simply put, we want your best because we want to publish you and pay you for it.

Three categories:

1. Thriller/Suspense, crime fiction/mystery, science fiction/fantasy, horror.
2. Romance, paranormal romance, historical romance, chick lit.
3. Literary Fiction.

Each genre has an entry cap of 1,500 entries. Notifications will be posted on this page as we near the 1,500 entry cap. In all three categories there will be 10 winners. All 30 winners will be published in a winning anthology which will be available worldwide to bookstores and online as an ebook. Over $5,000 in cash and prizes will be given away!


First place in all three categories wins $1,000.00 each, and a plaque recognizing their achievement.

Second place winners in all three categories receive $500.00 each and a certificate of achievement.

Third place winners in all three categories receive $100.00 each and a certificate of achievement.

Fourth through tenth winners in all three categories receive $25.00 and a certificate of achievement.

The first three winners in each category receive a free copy of the anthology.

All 30 winners will be published in the anthology.


The contest is open to manuscripts of 4,000 words or less. Please type the word count in the top left hand corner of the first page along with your name, address, telephone number and email address. In addition, add which genre your story falls into. All entries must be typewritten and double-spaced (if your email won't allow double-spacing, you will not be disqualified), in Times New Roman at 12pt. font.

The entry fee is $15 per manuscript. Multiple entries are accepted. For every manuscript after the first one, the fee is $10. August Moon accepts all major credit cards and debit through PayPal. Charges will appear on your statement as August Moon.

All entries must be in English, original, unpublished and not submitted or accepted elsewhere at the time of submission. August Moon Publishing reserves one-time publication rights to the 1st through 30th place winning entries to be published in an August Moon Contest Anthology.

Deadline for entries is October 31, 2010. Winners will be notified by November 15, 2010. If you have not been contacted by this date you may assume that your entry is not a finalist.

Email your submission to: Paste your story into the email (no attachments or your entry will be disqualified), and type "contest entry" in the subject line.

More information here.
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