Encounter Thailand is Looking for A Reporter/ Writer

20 February 2013
Encounter Thailand is Looking for A Reporter/ Writer
Encounter Thailand is a dynamic, monthly magazine that delves into issues related to business and economy, art, culture and lifestyle.

Encounter Thailand is unique in the sense that its underlying vision is covering topics largely unaddressed by other publications in this part of the world, filling-in public information gaps with in-depth, thorough and quality information pertaining to those from the West as well as native Thais. While Encounter Thailand is wide-in-scope in-terms of editorial content, it is also highly focused on cultivating increased understanding and an exchange of ideas amongst varying cultures.

Distributed throughout Thailand, including in 7-Eleven, Naiin and Asia Book stores, with additional locations being added regularly, the spectrum of Encounter Thailand’s readership is comprised primarily of business people, public leaders and educators, to local and foreign investors – mindful of quality, are global-minded and harness purchasing power.


If you are a passionate reporter/ writer with good skills in journalism, please send us your C.V at editorial-team@encounter-thailand.com


For queries/ submissions: editorial-team@encounter-thailand.com

Website: http://www.encounter-thailand.com/
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