Deadline July 31 | IIT Madras - Petrotech Society National Essay Competition 2012 (Rs. 10,000 | India)

23 July 2012
Deadline July 31 | IIT Madras - Petrotech Society National Essay Competition 2012 (Rs. 10,000 | India)
Deadline: 31 July 2012

Topic: Future of energy in India

India is a developing country of one billion plus population, and still growing. A nation of our size with extremely poor human development index cannot come out of its serious problems unless and until our energy requirements are met and secured. For our economic expansion, India needs economic and efficient energy and knowledgeable and skilled human resource. In this competition our focus is on energy. The energy is the main engine for economic and sustainable growth in any nation. It can aid quality improvement in education, human labor and increase productivity in agriculture, industry, and all other services. To initiate India on a high growth trajectory and sustain it, energy supply has to grow in equilibrium. At present our energy policy is defined by the country's burgeoning energy deficit, and it lacks focus. In general, Indian approach to any problem solving is ad-hoc in nature, and in a critical area like energy, the consequences can only be bad for the nation.

The aim of this ‘National Essay Competition 2012’ is to ignite and unleash the true imaginative and innovative potentials in our young population by inviting them to document their views, comments, opinions and research on future of energy in India. We invite essay entries by the undergraduate students studying in any college/school/institution/university of India. The maximum limit for the essay is 10000 (i.e. ten thousands) words. We invite all the students to submit original and unpublished work. Please submit your entries in A4 size, Times New Roman Script of 12-pt font. All the received essays will be reviewed and judged on merits including correctness, originality, technical strength and quality of writing. The accepted entries will be published in the conference proceedings (International Conference on Drilling Technology 2012: ICDT-2012, during 6-8 Dec. 2012 at IIT Madras, Chennai, India). For each accepted entry at least one of the authors has to register for the conference. The authors are requested to send their entries in soft copy as an e-mail attachment to


The three best essays will be awarded in ICDT-2012. The decision will be taken by an expert committee and its decision will be final in this regard. The first prize will carry one silver plate with 10000 INR cash and certificate, second prize will carry one silver plate with 5000 INR cash and certificate, and third prize will carry one silver plate with 2500 INR cash and certificate. The awards will be given in the inauguration ceremony of ICDT-2012 on 6th Dec. 2012, at IIT Madras, Chennai, India.


Steps will be taken up to publish winning essays in an international/national journal. On this a separate announcement will be made on conference days.


For each accepted entry at least one of the authors has to register for the conference with the registration fee of 500 INR.


- First draft submission: 31st July 2012.
- Acceptance notification (with comments, if any?): 31st August 2012.
- Final manuscript submission due: 30th September 2012.
- Final acceptance notification: 15th October 2012.
- Final camera ready manuscripts due: 31st October 2012.


This essay competition is being organized jointly by the IIT Madras, Chennai, India and Petrotech society, India.


For inquiries: for any other details, contact Dr. Smita Srivastava at or Dr. R. Sharma at

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