Call for Articles: ‘Travelling’ in Asian, African and Latin American Cinema (Many Cinemas Magazine)

02 May 2011
Call for Articles: ‘Travelling’ in Asian, African and Latin American Cinema (Many Cinemas Magazine)
Deadline: 15 May 2011

“Many Cinemas” is a forthcoming e-magazine (1st Issue announced: Spring 2011). It will dedicate its bi-annual issues the many cinemas of the non-western world, namely Asia, Africa, Latin America and other small cinema traditions.

“Many Cinemas” will be a magazine for film aesthetics, theory and analysis beyond the main stream film studies. Every issue will focus one specific topic, and we hope to publish different articles from each continent. The editors will select the proposals and accompany the publishing process. Afterward, “Many Cinemas” will be open peer reviewed, respectively commented.


MANY CINEMAS seeks for articles on cinema which focus on travelling – and just like our maxim – in the non-western cinemas of the world like Asia, Africa and Latin America. Holiday, business, private matters. There are several reasons for travelling. The autumn edition of MANY CINEMAS will dedicate its issue to the topic “Travelling”.

Travelling: People undertake a journey to places, strange and not familiar to them. How do they act or behave in an unfamiliar environment and how does it take an impact on them? Cinema is close connected with travelling. It is a window to the world, both real and imaginary. The lights turn off and pictures appear which bring you to places far away.

We are interested in every aspect of travel in cinema.

Some possible topics are:

* How to travel in film, reasons, way of travelling, genre-questions?
* Travel in search of relatives, lovers or someone/something else?
* Exploring own roots – Culture and Identity
* Thoughts of travels
* Vehicles of voyage
* Travelogues
* Images of appearing and vanishing landscapes and people
* Travel and interruption
* Travelling Cinema

And for our rubric BEYOND THE SCREEN we are looking for articles which are loosely connected to film like music, dance, performance, visual culture…

We would like to invite you to participate to our second issue of our e-journal MANY CINEMAS. This time we are looking especially for participants writing on African, Arabian, Latin American, Chinese, or Japanese cinema.

After our first issue which will be published in End of May 2011, the second issue will take place in autumn 2011.

Please send us your proposal (300-500 words) and a brief CV until 15th May 2011. Do not hesitate to mail us, if you have some questions.

The later articles should have a length of 3000 to 4000 words. Please send your proposal to Helen Staufer and Michael Christopher.

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