Call for Essays - Genocide, Healing, Justice, and Peace: The Cambodian Experience (Peace Review Journal)

02 May 2011
Call for Essays - Genocide, Healing, Justice, and Peace: The Cambodian Experience (Peace Review Journal)
Deadline: 15 July 2011

Peace Review: A Journal of Social Justice (Routledge) is an international journal distributed in more than 50 nations. We seek essays on the above theme for a special issue.

For three years, eight months, and twenty days, between 1975 and 1979, the Khmer Rouge held power in Cambodia. It has been described as one of the most radical and brutal periods in world history. It was a time of mass starvation, torture, slavery, and killing. The number of Cambodians who died under the Khmer Rouge remains a topic of debate: Vietnamese sources say three million, while others estimate 1-2 million deaths. Historians have called it the Cambodian Holocaust, a pogrom of ethnic cleansing and societal reform that still haunts many survivors and their descendants.

Among Cambodians, those living in Cambodia, and the Diaspora (i.e. the United States), peace is elusive, since justice may never be achieved. "How is justice possible if Pol Pot is already dead?" many survivors asked after 1998. In 2003, The Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia was established through an agreement between the government of Cambodia and the United Nations, with a mandate to prosecute senior members of the Khmer Rouge for war crimes and crimes against humanity, during the time the Khmer Rouge held power. Today, many of the surviving victims and their descendants fear that the majority of the Khmer Rouge leaders will go unpunished because the judicial process is being manipulated by the current Prime Minister, Hun Sen, himself a known former Khmer Rouge leader. The legacies of this period and the taste of injustice are powerful and affect the lives of Cambodians at home and in diasporic communities abroad.

Peace Review: A Journal of Social Justice is dedicating issue 23.4 to examining the interplay among Genocide, Healing, Justice, and Peace: The Cambodian Experience. What are peacemakers pursuing on the ground, in Cambodia and in diasporic Cambodian communities? What will it take to bring about peace: physical peace, geographic peace, imagined peace, emotional peace, spiritual peace, social peace, familial peace, individual peace, and so on? Are Cambodians as journalist Joel Brinkley declares "cursed" by history to live under abusive tyrants? What will it take to bring about justice? What is the interplay between justice and peace for Cambodian survivors who continue to live and struggle with the phantom of the genocide? How is genocide and injustice transmitted, culturally, temporally, and generationally? Where can Cambodians find hope, or rather, expressions of hope, and by extension, healing? How are Cambodian youths negotiating history, identity and community? How have the genocide and the experience of surviving post-genocide been reflected in the arts of Cambodia? How are the arts used for peacemaking? What are leaders, activists, and everyday Cambodian subjects doing to pave a path for peace and justice? How are peace and justice somatically experienced and expressed? Is the Tribunal a move towards justice, and by extension peace, or does it deepen old wounds and open up painful scars? What can we learn about justice, peace, and healing? Can there be peace without justice, or justice without peace? We seek essays written by scholars, activists, refugee workers, religious leaders, artists (e.g. musicians, poets), community members, social workers, journalists, and survivors that relate to the Cambodian genocide, justice, and peacemaking within and among Cambodian communities worldwide.

Essays are welcome on any aspect of this issue's theme, broadly conceived. Submissions that address global/diasporic issues and perspectives are especially encouraged.

Interested writers should submit essays (2,500-3,500 words) and 2-3 line bios to Peace Review no later than July 15, 2011. Essays should be jargon- and footnote-free.

See Submission Guidelines at:

Peace Review is a quarterly, multidisciplinary transnational journal of research and analysis focusing on the current issues and controversies that underlie the promotion of a more peaceful world. We publish essays on ideas and research in peace studies, broadly defined. Essays are relatively short (2,500-3,500 words), contain no footnotes or exhaustive bibliography, and are intended for a wide readership. The journal is most interested in the cultural and political issues surrounding conflicts occurring between nations and peoples.

Send essays to: Robert Elias (Editor) or Kerry Donoghue (Managing Editor), Peace Review, University of San Francisco, 2130 Fulton Street, San Francisco, CA 94117-1080, USA or by email:

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