Job Opening: Various Academic Vacancies (Journalism/ Languages/ Translation) at the City University of Hong Kong

12 March 2011
Job Opening: Various Academic Vacancies (Journalism/ Languages/ Translation) at the City University of Hong Kong
Deadline: 4 April 2011

Department/Unit School of Continuing and Professional Studies

Position: Senior Instructors / Instructor Is / Instructor IIs / Part-time Instructors

Reference Number: 1011/111(737)/2

Post Specification

Applicants should have (i) a relevant degree, preferably with a higher degree in related disciplines; (ii) at least two years’ teaching/professional experience; (iii) good presentation skills; (iv) good connections in related industries; and preferably (v) knowledge of and experience in developing course materials.

Full-time appointees will teach Higher Diploma programmes in one or more of the following disciplines:

- Languages and Translation

Translation and Interpreting:

Introduction to Interpreting, Consecutive Interpreting, English/Putonghua Interpreting, Cantonese/Putonghua Interpreting, Principles and Practice of Translation, Media Translation, Commercial Translation, Literary Translation, Subtitles Translation

English Language and Linguistics:

English Reading and Writing Skills, English Grammatical Studies, English Stylistics and Rhetoric, Language and Linguistics, Business English, English for Academic Purpose

Japanese Language:

Contemporary Japanese (Basic/Intermediate/Advanced Levels), Japanese Oral Presentation, Japanese Listening Skills, Japanese Stylistics in Oral and Written Discourse, Introduction to Chinese/Japanese Translation, Japanese in Newspaper, Japanese in TV Programmes

Korean Language:

Korean (Basic/Intermediate/Advanced Levels), Contemporary Korean Society, Korean Art Appreciation, Selected Topics on Korean History, Culture, and Literature

- Chinese Journalism 中文新聞學

Introduction to Mass Communication 傳媒概論, History of Hong Kong Media 香港傳媒史, Chinese News Reporting and Writing 中文新聞採訪寫作, Chinese News Editing 中文新聞編輯, Feature Writing 新聞專輯寫作, News Analysis 新聞分析, Newspaper Business and Management 報業營運與管理, Issues on Journalism Ethics 新聞專業操守專題, Editing and Publication 書刊雜誌編寫, Journalism and Online Technologies新聞與網絡科技, Supplement Production Workshop新聞專輯寫作坊, Special Topics in Journalism 新聞學專題

- Putonghua 普通話

Putonghua Communication Skills 普通話傳意技巧, Business Putonghua 商業普通話, Putonghua (Basic/Intermediate/Advanced Levels) 普通話(初-中-高各級水平)

- Chinese Language 中國語文

Chinese Business Communication 中文商業傳意, Chinese Reading and Writing 中文讀寫技巧, Chinese Presentation Skills 中文表達技巧, Chinese Stylistics and Rhetoric 中文語體及修辭,Creative Writing創意寫作,Modern Chinese現代漢語

Further information about the Higher Diploma programmes and Top-up Degree programmes is available at and respectively.

Appointments will initially be made on contract basis for up to two years, renewable subject to mutual agreement.

Monthly Salary and Fringe Benefits

Salary will be highly competitive, commensurate with qualifications and experience. The University offers a comprehensive fringe benefit package for full-time appointments, including medical care, plus a contract-end gratuity for appointments of two years; and for Senior Instructorship: housing benefits for eligible appointees.

The terms mentioned herein are for reference only and are subject to revision by the University.

Application Procedure

Application forms are obtainable

(a) at; or
(b) in person/by mail with a stamped, self-addressed envelope from the Personnel Office, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, Hong Kong; or
(c) by fax polling at 2696 1461.

Completed forms, together with copies of qualification documents, should be forwarded to the Manager of Administrative Services, School of Continuing and Professional Studies, Inter-University Hall, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, Hong Kong by the closing date.

Please quote the reference number and mark 'Application - Confidential' on cover. The Personal Information Collection Statement will be provided upon request.

Application form >>

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