Deadline: 31 March 2011
2011 Society for Features Journalism Diversity Fellowship
When: Aug. 24-27, 2011 Marriott Starr Pass Resort and Spa, Tucson, Ariz.
Sponsor: Society for Features Journalism, formerly American Association of Sunday and Feature Editors
Who is this for: Journalists of color who produce arts and features content for news organizations or those interested in pursuing careers in arts and features.
Application deadline: March 31, 2011
The Society for Features Journalism is committed to developing news-gathering staffs representative of the multicultural communities its members serve. Toward this goal, SFJ is sponsoring a Diversity Fellowship Program for journalists of color in conjunction with its annual conference in Tucson. Programming will have heavy emphasis on convergence journalism, leadership and writing.
Diversity fellows learn what’s happening in features departments nationwide while networking with outstanding journalists specializing in lifestyles coverage. Fellowships cover AASFE conference registration, airfare and hotel. Fellows will also receive a $300 stipend to be used toward conference-related expenses such as baggage and transportation fees and meals not covered by the conference.
Fellows are asked to contribute to the conference by completing a video project and presenting a short report to the group at the conclusion of the event.
How to apply
Application must contain ALL of the following:
* Resume
* Single-page essay explaining what you love about your job and how you have distinguished yourself in arts/features coverage at your news organization.
* Photo of yourself for conference program and SFJ Web site.
* Letter of recommendation
Submit THREE SETS of work examples:
* For writers, three storytelling examples from print and-or online editions.
* For editors, three samples of sections or pages with comments on how stories were generated or edited.
* For copy editors, three headlines with stories attached, plus two stories with editing comments.
* For designers, three samples of single- or multi-page layouts.
* For journalists with online-only work, list Web links in your application letter. Include a short explanation of your role in site design and/or maintenance.
If you are sending print files electronically, please send them in compressed zip files.
Deadline: Applications are due March 31, 2011. Selections will be announced by May 1, 2011. Submit to: AASFE/SFJ Diversity Fellowships, c/o Kathy Lu, The Roanoke Times, P.O. Box 2491, Roanoke VA 24010. Or e-mail applications with PDF attachments to Questions: (540) 981-3224.
More information here.
2011 Society for Features Journalism Diversity Fellowship
When: Aug. 24-27, 2011 Marriott Starr Pass Resort and Spa, Tucson, Ariz.
Sponsor: Society for Features Journalism, formerly American Association of Sunday and Feature Editors
Who is this for: Journalists of color who produce arts and features content for news organizations or those interested in pursuing careers in arts and features.
Application deadline: March 31, 2011
The Society for Features Journalism is committed to developing news-gathering staffs representative of the multicultural communities its members serve. Toward this goal, SFJ is sponsoring a Diversity Fellowship Program for journalists of color in conjunction with its annual conference in Tucson. Programming will have heavy emphasis on convergence journalism, leadership and writing.
Diversity fellows learn what’s happening in features departments nationwide while networking with outstanding journalists specializing in lifestyles coverage. Fellowships cover AASFE conference registration, airfare and hotel. Fellows will also receive a $300 stipend to be used toward conference-related expenses such as baggage and transportation fees and meals not covered by the conference.
Fellows are asked to contribute to the conference by completing a video project and presenting a short report to the group at the conclusion of the event.
How to apply
Application must contain ALL of the following:
* Resume
* Single-page essay explaining what you love about your job and how you have distinguished yourself in arts/features coverage at your news organization.
* Photo of yourself for conference program and SFJ Web site.
* Letter of recommendation
Submit THREE SETS of work examples:
* For writers, three storytelling examples from print and-or online editions.
* For editors, three samples of sections or pages with comments on how stories were generated or edited.
* For copy editors, three headlines with stories attached, plus two stories with editing comments.
* For designers, three samples of single- or multi-page layouts.
* For journalists with online-only work, list Web links in your application letter. Include a short explanation of your role in site design and/or maintenance.
If you are sending print files electronically, please send them in compressed zip files.
Deadline: Applications are due March 31, 2011. Selections will be announced by May 1, 2011. Submit to: AASFE/SFJ Diversity Fellowships, c/o Kathy Lu, The Roanoke Times, P.O. Box 2491, Roanoke VA 24010. Or e-mail applications with PDF attachments to Questions: (540) 981-3224.
More information here.