Urban Shots Story Competition (Grey Oaks Publishers, India)

24 February 2011
Urban Shots Story Competition (Grey Oaks Publishers, India)
Deadline: 15 April 2011

Read Urban Shots? Could relate to it? Good! You could be featured in the next edition of Urban Shots in 2011

Is there a theme for the short stories?

The stories should be set in an URBAN backdrop within India. The plot, characters and the setting needs to be contemporary, relatable and above all FRESH!

Can anyone submit?

This is open for Indian nationals only, whether resident in India or outside. Persons of Indian origin can also submit stories. The contest is open to everyone, except employees, owners and the immediate families of employees or the owners of entities who are competition partners – Landmark, Grey Oak Publishers, Helter Skelter, The Tossed Salad, d.ustb.in and Bookchums.

How to send in the entries?

Please email this in a .doc (Word 97 – 2003 format) to competition.landmark@greyoak.in before 15 April 2011. Entries submitted after 15 April 2011 will not be evaluated.

What are the submission requirements?

Stories must be original unpublished fiction, Font size 11, Arial or Times New Roman, typed and double-spaced, and may not exceed 3,000 words in length. Each author can make no more than two submissions to the competition.

The author’s name should not appear on the header or footer of the submission document, as our entrants are judged anonymously. Each story must be accompanied by a separate cover sheet with the author's name, complete postal address, e-mail address, twitter handle/ Facebook page link (to verify you easily), phone number, the title of the piece, number of submissions being made, and the word count.

Is there any entry fee?

No, there is no entry fee for this competition. All the very best!

Does the author have copyright to these stories?

Yes, the author holds the copyright, but with the understanding that Grey Oak Publishers has the first right to publish the stories, and would be given an exclusivity on these stories for a period of 2 years. A royalty agreement will be sent to the authors of the short listed stories post the announcement of the shortlist, and the Editorial Department of Grey Oak Publishers will stay in touch to get an agreement on this. Any further discussion on this subject at this stage is immaterial.

Deadline for receiving submissions – 15th April 2011

Longlist of stories for final evaluation by 31 May 2011 and Shortlist of stories that would be published in planned editions of Urban Shots in November 2011 and February 2012 will be communicated by 31 July 2011.

More information here.
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