Book Launch for Ocean Vuong's Poetry Collection, "Burnings"

05 January 2011
Book Launch for Ocean Vuong's Poetry Collection, "Burnings"
Date: 1 April 2011

Time: 6:30pm - 9:30pm

Location: Corneilia St. Cafe, 29 Corneia St, New York, NY

What better way to welcome the Spring season by joining us in a special reading and celebration of Ocean Vuong's BURNINGS (Sibling Rivalry Press, 2010). We hope to see you there, with a drink in hand, of course!

Praise for BURNINGS:

“I was born because someone was starving…” ends one of Ocean Vuong’s poems, and in that poem, as in every other of his poems, Ocean manages to imbue the desperation of his being alive, with a savage beauty. It is not just that Ocean can render pain as a kind of loveliness, but that his poetic line will not let you forget the hurt or the garish brilliance of your triumph; will not let you look away. These poems shatter us detail by detail because Ocean leaves nothing unturned, because every lived thing in his poems demands to be fed by you; to nourish you in turn. You will not leave these poems dissatisfied. They will fill you utterly.

-Roger Bonair-Agard, author of Tarnish and Masquerade

BIO: Born in 1988 in Saigon, Vietnam, Ocean Vuong is the author of Burnings (Sibling Rivalry Press 2010) and is currently an undergraduate at Brooklyn College, CUNY. His poems have received an Academy of American Poets Prize, the Beatrice Dubin Rose Award, the Connecticut Poetry Society's Al Savard Award, as well as four Pushcart Prize nominations. His work has also been translated into Hindi, Russian, Korean, and Vietnamese. Poems appear in Word Riot, Diode, Lantern Review, SOFTBLOW, Asia Literary Review, and PANK, among others. He lives in Brooklyn.

More information here.
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