Seoul Writers Workshop on January 9th

05 January 2011
Seoul Writers Workshop on January 9th
Deadline: 6 January 2011 (submission of works for workshopping)

Time: Sunday, January 9th, 1:30-4:30pm

Location: Hello Beans Cafe, Itaewon

Submission deadline: January 6th, noon.

Prose submissions: max 3500 words

Poetry: up to 3 poems not exceeding 3500 words in total

Formats: doc(Word 2003), rtf, txt, pdf

Submissions thread:

Include author's name and page counts in header/footer for multi-page pieces. We do not accept blogs, journalism, or homework. Creative non-fiction is permissible. If this is your first time to attend, you are asked to read the submissions but please do not submit any of your work. You may submit on your second time to attend. If you are attending, and especially if you are submitting your work for critique, please read all of the submissions. Honest, constructive criticism and respectful acceptance of critiques are expected.

More information here.
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