The Eliav-Sartawi Awards for Middle Eastern Journalism
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Editor/Founder: Search for Common Ground
Country: USA/ Middle East
Type: Writers' Prize
Description: Search for Common Ground has held the Eliav-Sartawi Awards for Middle Eastern Journalism since 2003. The Awards recognize and encourage journalism that contributes to better understanding between people and maintaining political dialogue in the Middle East. They were originally conceived by Mr. Zel Lurie, a veteran American journalist who first began reporting on the Middle East during the British Mandate in Palestine. By creating the Awards, Mr. Lurie sought to give recognition to journalists whose work promotes greater understanding between Arabs and Israelis. he main objective of the awards is to celebrate journalism that contributes to better understanding between people in the Middle East. We honor articles that try to open windows of understanding on the people in the region, and the issues that divide them, provide insight into regional issues and debates, contribute to political dialogue, expose readers to new perspectives and help to lay the groundwork for peaceful solutions.
(Directory entry)
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Email Address:
Editor/Founder: Search for Common Ground
Country: USA/ Middle East
Type: Writers' Prize
Description: Search for Common Ground has held the Eliav-Sartawi Awards for Middle Eastern Journalism since 2003. The Awards recognize and encourage journalism that contributes to better understanding between people and maintaining political dialogue in the Middle East. They were originally conceived by Mr. Zel Lurie, a veteran American journalist who first began reporting on the Middle East during the British Mandate in Palestine. By creating the Awards, Mr. Lurie sought to give recognition to journalists whose work promotes greater understanding between Arabs and Israelis. he main objective of the awards is to celebrate journalism that contributes to better understanding between people in the Middle East. We honor articles that try to open windows of understanding on the people in the region, and the issues that divide them, provide insight into regional issues and debates, contribute to political dialogue, expose readers to new perspectives and help to lay the groundwork for peaceful solutions.
(Directory entry)