AAS China and Inner Asia Council Small Grants (includes translation of books/ articles)

27 December 2010
AAS China and Inner Asia Council Small Grants (includes translation of books/ articles)
Deadline: 1 February 2011

The China and Inner Asia Council of the AAS (CIAC) is soliciting applications for awards of up to $2,000. Dissertation-level graduate students and scholars with special interests in China or Inner Asia are invited to submit proposals. Applicants must be current AAS members, but there are no citizenship requirements. Junior and independent scholars, adjunct faculty, and dissertation-level graduate students are especially encouraged to apply.

Applicants must not have received a CIAC Small Grant within the past three years.

Applications are specifically encouraged in the following areas of Chinese studies:

(1) collaborative projects in which the grant will facilitate communication and limited curriculum development at the college or secondary level

(2) organization of conferences and seminars — particularly for the organization of small conferences and seminars away from major centers of Chinese studies

(3) short research trips for dissertation-level graduate students, and for scholars at non-research institutions, to travel to major libraries and collections

(4) specialist or regional newsletters or websites disseminating important information to their respective fields

(5) translations of scholarly books and articles

(6) travel by scholars working on a common project in Taiwan, China or North America

The following items are NOT eligible for funding:

(1) travel to conferences, including the AAS annual conference

(2) translation of an applicant's own work

(3) book subventions and publication costs

(4) repeat applications for previously funded projects and organizations.

There is no special application form. Please include:

(1) a 250-word abstract of the project

(2) a detailed budget of anticipated expenditures, including other sources of funding; requests for travel grants must specify the extent of funding available from the home institution

(3) specific amount of grant funds requested and dates of the proposed project

(4) a two-page (maximum) curriculum vitae of the director and the principal participants

(5) in the case of graduate students, a letter of support from their dissertation advisor, without which the application will not be considered. This letter should be sent by the advisor to the AAS Secretariat and must be received by the application deadline.

For questions, please e-mail Paul Smith at psmith@haverford.edu.

Applications (10 copies, double-sided) should be sent by regular mail to CIAC Grants, AAS, 1021 E. Huron Street, Ann Arbor, MI 48104 USA. Graduate student advisor recommendation letters do not require multiple copies. The annual deadline for applications is February 1. Applications for the current cycle must arrive in our Ann Arbor office (not be postmarked) by FEBRUARY 1, 2011. Applications will only be considered for projects that begin on or after May 1, 2011, and will be completed on or before April 30, 2012. Awards will be decided by the China and Inner Asia Council at the 2011 Association for Asian Studies Annual Conference in Honolulu, and applicants will be notified of decisions shortly thereafter. Successful applicants are required to submit a final report to CIAC and AAS.

NOTE: AAS grants take the form of reimbursement rather than payment in advance. Original receipts need to be retained and reimbursement is only for actual expenses incurred up to the amount of the grant awarded.

NOTE ABOUT INDIRECT COSTS: The AAS is unable to support funding requests for indirect costs from applicants to its small grant programs. The AAS is a membership organization rather than a funding agency, and conducts its grant programs as a service to the field through the voluntary help of its members. Funds for all grant programs originate from outside agencies, and individual awards are quite modest. We therefore ask applicants’ home institutions to waive their normal indirect cost requirements.

More information here.
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