Radius of Arab American Writers
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Email Address: Online form
Editor/Founder: Khaled Mattawa
Country: USA/Middle East
Type: Organization
Description: Rawi aims to encourage our Arab youth to write, offer members a professional network, urge members to publish their work in mainstream publications, support sister and brother writers in the Arab world, welcome established writers as well as writers beginning their career, and prepare a guide to Arab-American writers. We are open to fiction and non-fiction writers, essayists, poets, journalists, photojournalists, artists who work with words, and academics of Arab heritage from the Arab lands -- Magreb to Mashreq. Arab heritage is an essential component of our identity, although not an essential subject matter of our work. This is a professional organization largely concerned with English medium literary works and professionals working in English. We therefore are concerned with developing strong and professional ties with American English language institutions, including journals, English departments, publishers, editors, and writers. We seek to represent a progressive voice in the American community, and a voice for justice in the US and abroad. We seek to promote the building of coalitions, and collaborate with others around issues of social justice.
(Directory entry)
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Email Address: Online form
Editor/Founder: Khaled Mattawa
Country: USA/Middle East
Type: Organization
Description: Rawi aims to encourage our Arab youth to write, offer members a professional network, urge members to publish their work in mainstream publications, support sister and brother writers in the Arab world, welcome established writers as well as writers beginning their career, and prepare a guide to Arab-American writers. We are open to fiction and non-fiction writers, essayists, poets, journalists, photojournalists, artists who work with words, and academics of Arab heritage from the Arab lands -- Magreb to Mashreq. Arab heritage is an essential component of our identity, although not an essential subject matter of our work. This is a professional organization largely concerned with English medium literary works and professionals working in English. We therefore are concerned with developing strong and professional ties with American English language institutions, including journals, English departments, publishers, editors, and writers. We seek to represent a progressive voice in the American community, and a voice for justice in the US and abroad. We seek to promote the building of coalitions, and collaborate with others around issues of social justice.
(Directory entry)