Deadline: 2 January 2011
Cliffhanger Books is looking for previously unpublished short stories (approx. 6500 to 8000 words) for Gods of Justice*, our upcoming collection of non-illustrated prose superhero stories. We are eager to read truly original fiction with unique, well-defined, complex characters and ideas.
Give us an innovative take on the superhero genre. Approach your story from a fresh angle or motivation. Hook us in with an imaginative and perplexing plot that will keep readers engaged until the very end. Go wild with it and have fun.
BE ORIGINAL: While we realize there are several superheroes out there with very similar abilities, please make sure yours aren't merely copies of established characters copyrighted by other publishers.
Story Elements
• They can be dramatic, exciting, action-packed, scary, funny, romantic or a combination
• Main characters can be male or female
• They must be heroes, not villains
• They must have super powers
• Costumes are preferred (hint, hint), but not necessary
• The stories do not have to be modern. They can take place at any time and anywhere in history.
Keep all language and content PG-13 rated.
Do NOT include:
• Graphic, bloody, violent acts, descriptions or explicit torture of any kind
• Graphic sex or profanity
• Demeaning racial insults or acts of bigotry
• Stories about real people -- living or dead
Story Synopsis (IMPORTANT!)
You MUST include a concise, compelling story synopsis (no longer than 100 words) in your email message and on the cover page of your story.
While these will be prose stories (not graphic novels) you are welcome to include one black and white pen and ink drawing to illustrate your character in an integral scene. DO NOT send them with your submission. Just state in your cover page that you would like to submit one if your story is accepted.
NOTE: Whether or not we include your illustration depends on the quality of the work and the available space in the book. Keep in mind that illustrations are voluntary so we do not pay extra.
One Submission per Author ONLY
We must limit each author to one story submission. If anyone submits multiple stories, we will disqualify all of them.
Submissions are open to all U.S. and international writers age 18 and over. Stories must be submitted in English. While most superhero authors are male, we want stories by talented female writers as well.
No Previously Published or Simultaneous Submissions
We cannot accept any story previously or currently published, sold or available to the public via the internet, periodicals or any book format. You also may not submit your story elsewhere while we are reviewing it. Likewise, we cannot accept any story currently under consideration by another publisher.
Send your submission in an attached .doc file (preferably Microsoft Word). We will not accept any story in the body of an email.
Writing Tips -- IMPORTANT
If you're a new writer, we suggest strongly that you read the storytelling tips in our blog before writing your tale. While the blog is geared toward writers who submitted paranormal romance stories for our last book, Paramourtal, the basic information is for writing fiction in general. Even if you're an experienced author, following our guidelines will increase your chance of acceptance.
Include Author Information
Provide the following information on the cover page of your attached story:
• Your full name (psudonyms are allowed, but we still need your actual name)
• Story title
• Word count and story page count (minus cover page)
• Your address, telephone number, email address and website URL if applicable
• Story synopsis (see above)
• How you heard about Cliffhanger Books (specify writers' group, website, word of mouth, etc.)
Deadline: Jan. 2, 2011
Please submit your story by midnight, Sunday, Jan. 2, 2011. Email it as an attachment to Put the words "JUSTICE SUBMISSION'' and title of your story in the subject line. We maintain the option to extend the deadline at our will based on quantity, variety and number of acceptable stories.
Intellectual Property Disclaimer
We believe strongly in protecting every author’s original concept and content. Submit your manuscript with confidence that no one else will revise it or take your idea and publish it under another name. Should Gods of Justice include a story you deem similar to your submission in any way, you have our assurance that it is not a plagiarized version of your work. Submit ONLY if you agree not to hold Cliffhanger Books legally accountable in such a case.
Acceptance Notification
If we select your story for publication, we will notify you by email. We will then post a list of the accepted stories and authors on this site once it is available. Look for it no later than March 5, 2011. Those not accepted for inclusion will also be notified by email right after.
Please do not contact the editors to check the status of a submission. Also, due to time constraints, we cannot offer individual critiques of rejected proposals or manuscripts.
Published Formats
The anthology will be available as a trade paperback edition first followed by an electronic edition later.
Publishing Rights
We will issue a contract to each author whose story we select for inclusion in Gods of Justice. Cliffhanger Books copyrights every published work. This gives us exclusive publication rights for two years after initial publication. No author may submit a selected story to any other print, electronic or audio publishing source or allow it to appear on any other website during that time. These rights are for the accepted story only. Rights of the characters remain with you so you can include them in different stories submitted to other publishers during that two-year period.
Each author included in Paramourtal will receive a printed and digital (PDF) copy of the book, as well as 2% of the profits of each printed and digital copy sold online or to distributors and retailers.
More information here.
Cliffhanger Books is looking for previously unpublished short stories (approx. 6500 to 8000 words) for Gods of Justice*, our upcoming collection of non-illustrated prose superhero stories. We are eager to read truly original fiction with unique, well-defined, complex characters and ideas.
Give us an innovative take on the superhero genre. Approach your story from a fresh angle or motivation. Hook us in with an imaginative and perplexing plot that will keep readers engaged until the very end. Go wild with it and have fun.
BE ORIGINAL: While we realize there are several superheroes out there with very similar abilities, please make sure yours aren't merely copies of established characters copyrighted by other publishers.
Story Elements
• They can be dramatic, exciting, action-packed, scary, funny, romantic or a combination
• Main characters can be male or female
• They must be heroes, not villains
• They must have super powers
• Costumes are preferred (hint, hint), but not necessary
• The stories do not have to be modern. They can take place at any time and anywhere in history.
Keep all language and content PG-13 rated.
Do NOT include:
• Graphic, bloody, violent acts, descriptions or explicit torture of any kind
• Graphic sex or profanity
• Demeaning racial insults or acts of bigotry
• Stories about real people -- living or dead
Story Synopsis (IMPORTANT!)
You MUST include a concise, compelling story synopsis (no longer than 100 words) in your email message and on the cover page of your story.
While these will be prose stories (not graphic novels) you are welcome to include one black and white pen and ink drawing to illustrate your character in an integral scene. DO NOT send them with your submission. Just state in your cover page that you would like to submit one if your story is accepted.
NOTE: Whether or not we include your illustration depends on the quality of the work and the available space in the book. Keep in mind that illustrations are voluntary so we do not pay extra.
One Submission per Author ONLY
We must limit each author to one story submission. If anyone submits multiple stories, we will disqualify all of them.
Submissions are open to all U.S. and international writers age 18 and over. Stories must be submitted in English. While most superhero authors are male, we want stories by talented female writers as well.
No Previously Published or Simultaneous Submissions
We cannot accept any story previously or currently published, sold or available to the public via the internet, periodicals or any book format. You also may not submit your story elsewhere while we are reviewing it. Likewise, we cannot accept any story currently under consideration by another publisher.
Send your submission in an attached .doc file (preferably Microsoft Word). We will not accept any story in the body of an email.
Writing Tips -- IMPORTANT
If you're a new writer, we suggest strongly that you read the storytelling tips in our blog before writing your tale. While the blog is geared toward writers who submitted paranormal romance stories for our last book, Paramourtal, the basic information is for writing fiction in general. Even if you're an experienced author, following our guidelines will increase your chance of acceptance.
Include Author Information
Provide the following information on the cover page of your attached story:
• Your full name (psudonyms are allowed, but we still need your actual name)
• Story title
• Word count and story page count (minus cover page)
• Your address, telephone number, email address and website URL if applicable
• Story synopsis (see above)
• How you heard about Cliffhanger Books (specify writers' group, website, word of mouth, etc.)
Deadline: Jan. 2, 2011
Please submit your story by midnight, Sunday, Jan. 2, 2011. Email it as an attachment to Put the words "JUSTICE SUBMISSION'' and title of your story in the subject line. We maintain the option to extend the deadline at our will based on quantity, variety and number of acceptable stories.
Intellectual Property Disclaimer
We believe strongly in protecting every author’s original concept and content. Submit your manuscript with confidence that no one else will revise it or take your idea and publish it under another name. Should Gods of Justice include a story you deem similar to your submission in any way, you have our assurance that it is not a plagiarized version of your work. Submit ONLY if you agree not to hold Cliffhanger Books legally accountable in such a case.
Acceptance Notification
If we select your story for publication, we will notify you by email. We will then post a list of the accepted stories and authors on this site once it is available. Look for it no later than March 5, 2011. Those not accepted for inclusion will also be notified by email right after.
Please do not contact the editors to check the status of a submission. Also, due to time constraints, we cannot offer individual critiques of rejected proposals or manuscripts.
Published Formats
The anthology will be available as a trade paperback edition first followed by an electronic edition later.
Publishing Rights
We will issue a contract to each author whose story we select for inclusion in Gods of Justice. Cliffhanger Books copyrights every published work. This gives us exclusive publication rights for two years after initial publication. No author may submit a selected story to any other print, electronic or audio publishing source or allow it to appear on any other website during that time. These rights are for the accepted story only. Rights of the characters remain with you so you can include them in different stories submitted to other publishers during that two-year period.
Each author included in Paramourtal will receive a printed and digital (PDF) copy of the book, as well as 2% of the profits of each printed and digital copy sold online or to distributors and retailers.
More information here.