Call for Submissions - Shanghai: Sex, Drugs and Money (H.A.L. Publishing)

21 July 2011
Call for Submissions - Shanghai: Sex, Drugs and Money (H.A.L. Publishing)
Deadline: 15 August 2011

Three things have always been synonymous with Shanghai since the dawning of time and some say even earlier: s3x, drugs and money. Shanghai’s roots have been suckling at the collective teat of these three vices for a long time and lets be honest with ourselves. They are three of the very things that build this city. When we think of Shanghai for the first time we think of Smokey-eyed vixens in clinging chipao. We think of 0pium and of people from all over the world staking their claim in the mean streets of this city. Over the years some things have changed, though sometimes it seems nothing really has. H.A.L. invites you to submit to our new book about s3x, drugs and money. Remember these submissions should be Shanghai or China related. Be creative but most of all have fun.

Three Topics – (s3x) or (drugs) or (money)

Medium – short stories

Word Count – open (keep in mind these are short stories)

Formatting and Junk – 1.5 line spacing, times new roman font, justified margins and page numbers.

- story sent in a word.doc

- Brief 60 word bio included in the body of the e-mail.

- The name of your email should read“H.A.L. Submission- (chosen topic).”

- Stories should include cover page with story title, author name and contact information.

- All submissions sent to

- Submission Deadline: July 30th, 2011 –all submissions should be sent by midnight of the 30th.

All stories will be reviewed by August 15th, 2011. If your story is selected for publication you will be contacted with an email that day. If you do not receive an email confirming your stories inclusion in the collection, please keep writing, don’t get discouraged, it might just mean that your story didn’t connect with the atmosphere of the book we hoped to convey. There will be other books that you might just be perfect for so keep writing and honing your craft. The next book we publish might just be the one that sees you published!

For all other submission guidelines for longer pieces please see below for more information.

H.A.L. is actively seeking new and inspired authors of all kinds of texts, be it short stories, novels or poetry. When submitting your manuscript, we kindly ask you to follow the specifications below. For questions, please write our editors at

Writer’s checklist:

1. A query letter that outlines your story’s or book’s content and provides some details concerning your background
2. A cover page with your name, phone number, and email address
3. Times New Roman font
4. Size 12 type
5. 1.5 line spacing
6. Justified margins
7. Consecutive pagination at the bottom

Who we are

HALiterature specializes in publishing exceptional local and expat authors from China, for whom this country forms the natural backdrop of an at-times mundane, at-times wholly extraordinary existence. Amidst the tumult of economic explosion, identity crises, national glory, and East-meets-West clichés are individuals living their lives like anyone else. We are locals, we are expats, we are yellow, black, and white. And we are writing. H.A.L. sets out to publish us.

Contact Information:

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