The journal Explorations in Southeast Asian Studies: a graduate student journal of Southeast Asian Studies is edited and published by graduate students at the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa. Explorations showcases student research on Southeast Asia from a diverse range of disciplinary perspectives and welcomes submissions from graduate students currently enrolled in a formal program of study in the United States and abroad. The editors welcome submissions from all disciplines, including history, Asian studies, languages & literature, social sciences and the humanities. All submissions should be written with an interdisciplinary audience in mind, avoiding technical or other jargon, and should address themes of interest for specialists in Southeast Asian studies.
Submissions are considered on a rolling basis until the final deadline mentioned above. Submissions received after the deadline will not be considered.
Please submit your work by email, as a Word document (.doc, not .pdf) following the Explorations Style Guidelines, to
Submissions should follow APA or Turabian style, using endnotes and including a complete Bibliography of all works used. The total length of the submission should not exceed 30 pages in length.
Submissions are expected to neither be currently under review for another publication, nor to have been previously published elsewhere.
We consider the following types of submissions:
* Reviews of current books, films or exhibitions,
* Original translations of poetry or short stories in English, from a Southeast Asian language
* Photo essays
* “Notes from the Field” pieces, that is, informal essays on firsthand field research experiences written for a graduate student audience
* Short reviews of new research tools and resources useful for research
Explorations is supported by the Center for Southeast Asian Studies (CSEAS), the Southeast Asian Studies Student Association (SEASSA) and the Student Activities and Program Fee Board (SAPFB) at the University of Hawaii. The journal is produced through a blind review process, by volunteer editors with the guidance of a faculty advisor. The editorial board consists of graduate students from a range of disciplines whose regional interests lie within Southeast Asia. The journal is published electronically and in hard copy, and is distributed to major Southeast Asian studies centers and libraries both nationally and internationally. Papers published in Explorations are not necessarily representative of the views of the editors or the sponsors, and responsibility for the opinions expressed and the factual accuracy of papers lies with the individual authors.
More information here.
Submissions are considered on a rolling basis until the final deadline mentioned above. Submissions received after the deadline will not be considered.
Please submit your work by email, as a Word document (.doc, not .pdf) following the Explorations Style Guidelines, to
Submissions should follow APA or Turabian style, using endnotes and including a complete Bibliography of all works used. The total length of the submission should not exceed 30 pages in length.
Submissions are expected to neither be currently under review for another publication, nor to have been previously published elsewhere.
We consider the following types of submissions:
* Reviews of current books, films or exhibitions,
* Original translations of poetry or short stories in English, from a Southeast Asian language
* Photo essays
* “Notes from the Field” pieces, that is, informal essays on firsthand field research experiences written for a graduate student audience
* Short reviews of new research tools and resources useful for research
Explorations is supported by the Center for Southeast Asian Studies (CSEAS), the Southeast Asian Studies Student Association (SEASSA) and the Student Activities and Program Fee Board (SAPFB) at the University of Hawaii. The journal is produced through a blind review process, by volunteer editors with the guidance of a faculty advisor. The editorial board consists of graduate students from a range of disciplines whose regional interests lie within Southeast Asia. The journal is published electronically and in hard copy, and is distributed to major Southeast Asian studies centers and libraries both nationally and internationally. Papers published in Explorations are not necessarily representative of the views of the editors or the sponsors, and responsibility for the opinions expressed and the factual accuracy of papers lies with the individual authors.
More information here.