CCWH Nupur Chaudhuri Article Prize

17 August 2010
CCWH Nupur Chaudhuri Article Prize
Deadline: 15 September 2010
Geographical Restrictions: must be a CCWH member
Reading Fee: none
Accepts (genre): articles

The CCWH Nupur Chaudhuri Article Prizer is an annual $1000 prize that recognizes the best first article published in the field of history by a CCWH member. Named to honor long-time CCWH board member and former executive director Nupur Chaudhuri, the article must be published in a refereed journal in one of the two years proceeding the prize year. An article may only be submitted once. All fields of history will be considered, and articles must be submitted with full scholarly apparatus.

The applicant:
 must be a CCWH member;
 need not attend the award ceremony to receive the award;
 have published an article with full scholarly apparatus in a refereed journal in one of the two years proceeding the prize year;

Candidates should submit ALL of the following items in one package to the same address (faxed or e-mailed documents will not be accepted):
 3 copies of the completed application form
 3 copies of a Curriculum Vitae
 3 copies of the article

Kathleen Kennedy
516 High Street
Department of History
Western Washington University
Bellingham, WA 98230

September 15: application packets must be received by the committee chair by this date.
Early December: winner announced and check mailed.
January: award is formally presented at the CCWH luncheon at the AHA.

More information here.
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