Writing Contest: The Lives of Jewish Immigrants

17 August 2010
Writing Contest: The Lives of Jewish Immigrants
Deadline: 27 September 2010
Geographical Restrictions: open to Jewish writers
Reading Fee: none
Accepts (genre): non-fiction, essays
Prize/Payment: $100 Visa gift card

Hyman S. & Freda Bernstein Jewish Literary Festival
October 17-27, 2010
Writing Contest

Community Prize for Writing on a Festival Theme
Strangers in a Strange Land: The Lives of Jewish Immigrants

We surround ourselves with communities that sustain and enrich our lives. When we leave those communities—by choice, by force, or both—our lives are upended. What do we choose to take with us to the new environment, and what do we leave behind? This year’s Opening Night explores these questions of immigration and home.

Jews have often found themselves strangers in strange lands, but new environments are not always the result of physical displacement. Tell us a true story—from your life or a family member’s—of finding oneself alone in a new place or situation.

Submissions are open to all and will be judged blindly. Work will be considered in two categories: 1) 18 years and under, and 2) over 18. Please include your contact information and age category on the first page only. Send submissions of 500 words or fewer to litfest@washingtondcjcc.org by September 27, 2010.

A selection committee will choose three entries in each category to honor during the Festival and online. These winning entries will be published on the 16th Street J’s website and The Blog at 16th & Q. The first place selection in each category will win the Community Prize for Writing and a $100 Visa gift card.

More information here.
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