Writing Contest for Queer People of Color

04 July 2010
Writing Contest for Queer People of Color
QWOC+ Boston is very pleased to announce its first youth-oriented writing contest! We are looking for queer people of color between the ages of 14 and 22 who have a passion for writing and/or would like to raise their voices and be heard by a diverse and accepting community.

Entries should detail writers’ experiences with culture, race, sexuality, socio-economic background, etc. As queer people of color, we are often forced to present only part(s) of ourselves, separately, while our experience is anything but fragmented; we are always multilayered, and identify with / relate to multiple issues, simultaneously, and almost all the time. We are looking for entries that embody this reality.

Two Categories:
1) Poetry
2) Essay

Format: 12 point font, 1 inch margins, single-spaced. Preferably 1 and a half pages; 2 pages maximum. Entrants may submit one piece for each category.

Two winners will be selected from EACH category as first place winner and runner- up. Note: If you wish, you may submit (just ONE piece) to both categories.

Prizes: Both will have their winning entries posted on the QWOC+ Boston blog and will receive a small gift. Additionally, the first place winner will receive two all-access Purple Passes for QWOC WEEK and will have the opportunity to *read/perform their piece at a QWOC WEEK event.

*If you are uncomfortable reading or performing in front of a live audience, we will have someone read or perform for you.

Deadline: July 21st
Please send submissions to write@qwocboston.org

More information here.
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