Paying Market: Room Magazine

04 July 2010
Paying Market: Room Magazine
We pay $50 CDN for 1-5 published pages, $75 for 6+ pages and $100 for cover art. Contributors also receive two copies of the issue in which the work appears and a year's subscription to Room.

We strongly suggest you get a sense of our tastes by reviewing material we've published in recent issues—buy newsstand copies, subscribe, borrow from a library, or visit our latest edition online. Alternatively, you can order single copies of specific issues.

Room is committed to discovering new talents and we take this responsibility seriously, so if we are the first step on your journey to creating a portfolio with professional credentials, fear not, we're honoured and still interested. If you're further down this road, don't forget to mention the following details in your cover letter:

* if/where you've published previously; published writers you've worked/mentored/studied with;
* contests you've won;
* grants you've been awarded;
* writing programs you've attended;
* prizes you've garnered;
* and full-length book manuscripts you may currently have under contract or in circulation.
* Please also include your name, address, phone number, and email address and an accurate word count of your piece.
* To avoid a flood of material by a single submitter or overly frequent submissions, please make only one submission at a time and only submit quarterly.

Fiction/Creative Non-fiction:
Please submit 12-pt typed, double-spaced, single-sided pages of unpublished prose of no more than 3500 words. We do not accept simultaneous submissions.

Please submit a maximum of five poems at a time. We do not accept simultaneous submissions.

Now for some stats: We receive over 600 submissions per year and publish approximately 25 pieces in each quarterly issue. We aim to contact you regarding our decision within 2-3 months, but it can sometimes take much longer. If you haven't heard from us within 6 months, feel free to send a note to us at and we'll let you know where your submission is in the reviewing process. If you've supplied an e-mail address, please be sure to check your junk folders and spam filters. Our message may mistakenly be filtered as junk or spam.

Mail your work to:

PO Box 46160 Station D
Vancouver, BC V6J 5G5

We are currently accepting submissions by e-mail on a trial basis. Please note the following important guidelines:

* Include your full name, mailing address, telephone number, and alternate e-mail address (if you have one) in the body of your e-mail. As is inevitably the case with e-mail (especially Hotmail), some of our replies may get caught up in spam filters, etc.
* Attach your submission in Microsoft Word, rich text file (RTF), or text (TXT) format, maximum 500 KB file size.
* Put your cover letter in the body of your e-mail, rather than attaching a separate document.
* The subject line of your e-mail must adhere to this format:
Room Submission
(For example, Room Poetry Submission Jane Smith)
* Send your submission to:
o Fiction:
o Creative Non-fiction:
o Poetry:

More information here.
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