It's an open competition, looking for hidden talent, so anyone can enter.
This year there are two prizes. The £1000-Must-be-Won award, aimed primarily at
students in Kent's Universities, academies and schools is restricted to those aged 25 or less. A new Senior Prize of £250, offered by The Grand, upon which the H G Wells Festival is
based, is open to writers aged 26 or more.
CONDITIONS: The short story, from 1000 to 5000 words in length. This year entrants are invited to write stories reflecting the lives of ordinary people.
HOW TO ENTER? Complete and attach this Entry Form to your story, which must be sent to Somerville Lodge, Hillside, Sandgate, CT20 3DB by 20 July 2010 , which is the closing date.
It will help if it is accompanied by a computer printout. Five judges, who will not know the names or ages of competitors, will publish a list of nominations for the prizes by the end of
August, and nominees will be invited to a lunch at The Grand on 18 September. Prof Dominic Wells, great grandson of HG, will announce the winners and award the prizes at 3pm on
Sunday, 19 September.
More information here.
It's an open competition, looking for hidden talent, so anyone can enter.
This year there are two prizes. The £1000-Must-be-Won award, aimed primarily at
students in Kent's Universities, academies and schools is restricted to those aged 25 or less. A new Senior Prize of £250, offered by The Grand, upon which the H G Wells Festival is
based, is open to writers aged 26 or more.
CONDITIONS: The short story, from 1000 to 5000 words in length. This year entrants are invited to write stories reflecting the lives of ordinary people.
HOW TO ENTER? Complete and attach this Entry Form to your story, which must be sent to Somerville Lodge, Hillside, Sandgate, CT20 3DB by 20 July 2010 , which is the closing date.
It will help if it is accompanied by a computer printout. Five judges, who will not know the names or ages of competitors, will publish a list of nominations for the prizes by the end of
August, and nominees will be invited to a lunch at The Grand on 18 September. Prof Dominic Wells, great grandson of HG, will announce the winners and award the prizes at 3pm on
Sunday, 19 September.
More information here.