Who can contribute to Heights?
Anyone can submit to Heights as long as they are a member of the Ateneo community: students (both graduate and undergraduate), alumni, teachers, and fellows of the Ateneo National Writer’s Workshop. You do not need any special prerequisites to submit – if you enjoy writing or making art, and have something you want to share, then do send in your works! YOU DO NOT HAVE TO BE A MEMBER OF HEIGHTS TO CONTRIBUTE. We want to publish work from everyone, Heightsers and non-Heightsers alike.
What can I contribute to Heights?
You can submit any form of literature, in either English or Filipino. We accept poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction (like personal essays, memoirs, travelogues), even scripts. You can also submit any kind of artwork – it may be photography, traditional art, digital art, or mixed media. If you have a piece of art or a literary work you want to share with the Ateneo community, send it in!
How can I contribute?
For literary works in English, send to: heights.english@gmail.com
For literary works in Filipino, send to: heights.filipino@gmail.com
For artworks, send to: art.heights@gmail.com
Deadline: August 2, 2010
More information here.