Convergence of different means of communication to empower women
The WiA magazine is Isis International’s longstanding publication which, since the 1970s, has facilitated information exchange among women’s movements especially in light of developments recognising women’s rights…The new Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) lead to tremendous changes in feminist development communications, as well as in the ways of organising and mobilising in women’s movements and other social movements. New ICTs catalyses and strengthens online based civil journalism and independent and community media…Yet along side these positive changes are also glaring realities of the continued abuse of women’s human rights and the perpetuation of gender based discrimination through the use of the very same ICTs. Deadline for abstracts: July 20, 2010.
Moreover, the rapid pace at which new ICTs develop continue to divide societies into the information rich and information poor creating a digital divide that cuts across class, nations, age, race and gender.
The People’ Communications for Development (PC4D) research conducted by Isis International reveals that traditional communication tools such as radio, theater, print and face to face communications are still the most efficient means to reach out to grass roots women. In particular, PC4D shows that among these tools, radio remains the most effective.
Over the years, community radio has been an effective tool to surface women’s voices and to facilitate women’s participation at different levels of decision making. This is so because it is cheap, easy to use, readily accessible and community controlled.
Yet while many women continue to take advantage of this particular communication tool, more and more women also recognise its empowering potential especially when used alongside new ICTs. Women now recognise that the convergence of traditional communication tools and new ICTs, such as the convergence of community radio and the internet, allows women to transcend from being passive recipients to becoming active producers of information while empowering themselves and their communities.
This issue covers:
* Revisiting Section J of Beijing Platform for Action (BPfA): Development in new media and information communications technologies (ICTs) and its impact on Section J and implementation of BPfA
* Community Radio (CR) and women’s organising and advocacies: How do women use community radio to advocate various women’s rights issues, for example, to stop violence against women, to participate in peace building, to claim climate justice, etc. Gender policy for community radio and strenghthen women’s organising within the community radio movement
* Engendered use of ICTs: Potential and threats of ICT developments from the global South for women’s empowerment and convergence of ICT and CR to empower women in marginalised communities
* Other related issues
For those interested to submit articles, kindly send Isis ABSTRACT of your work on or before 20 July 2010. The
abstract should be written in English and must be no more than 300 words.
You will be notified if your abstract has been approved. Full article must be written in English and should be between
600 to 3000 words. Deadline for submission of FULL ARTICLE is on 22 August 2010.
Isis International is also calling for submission of pictures to be included in the Photo Essay on Women Embracing Technology for
Community Development. Photos must be:
* Original photos depicting women using various forms of information technology (radio including transmitter, antenna; video; computers, etc.)
* Short description of the photograph including the context in which it was taken, who is/are in the photo, where it was taken etc.
* Resolution must be 300 dpi or higher
* Deadline for submission of photos is on 22 August 2010.
Please send your abstracts/articles and photos to Bianca Miglioretto ( and / or Anna M. Dinglasan (
Date of publication of the issue: October 2010.
More information here.
The WiA magazine is Isis International’s longstanding publication which, since the 1970s, has facilitated information exchange among women’s movements especially in light of developments recognising women’s rights…The new Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) lead to tremendous changes in feminist development communications, as well as in the ways of organising and mobilising in women’s movements and other social movements. New ICTs catalyses and strengthens online based civil journalism and independent and community media…Yet along side these positive changes are also glaring realities of the continued abuse of women’s human rights and the perpetuation of gender based discrimination through the use of the very same ICTs. Deadline for abstracts: July 20, 2010.
Moreover, the rapid pace at which new ICTs develop continue to divide societies into the information rich and information poor creating a digital divide that cuts across class, nations, age, race and gender.
The People’ Communications for Development (PC4D) research conducted by Isis International reveals that traditional communication tools such as radio, theater, print and face to face communications are still the most efficient means to reach out to grass roots women. In particular, PC4D shows that among these tools, radio remains the most effective.
Over the years, community radio has been an effective tool to surface women’s voices and to facilitate women’s participation at different levels of decision making. This is so because it is cheap, easy to use, readily accessible and community controlled.
Yet while many women continue to take advantage of this particular communication tool, more and more women also recognise its empowering potential especially when used alongside new ICTs. Women now recognise that the convergence of traditional communication tools and new ICTs, such as the convergence of community radio and the internet, allows women to transcend from being passive recipients to becoming active producers of information while empowering themselves and their communities.
This issue covers:
* Revisiting Section J of Beijing Platform for Action (BPfA): Development in new media and information communications technologies (ICTs) and its impact on Section J and implementation of BPfA
* Community Radio (CR) and women’s organising and advocacies: How do women use community radio to advocate various women’s rights issues, for example, to stop violence against women, to participate in peace building, to claim climate justice, etc. Gender policy for community radio and strenghthen women’s organising within the community radio movement
* Engendered use of ICTs: Potential and threats of ICT developments from the global South for women’s empowerment and convergence of ICT and CR to empower women in marginalised communities
* Other related issues
For those interested to submit articles, kindly send Isis ABSTRACT of your work on or before 20 July 2010. The
abstract should be written in English and must be no more than 300 words.
You will be notified if your abstract has been approved. Full article must be written in English and should be between
600 to 3000 words. Deadline for submission of FULL ARTICLE is on 22 August 2010.
Isis International is also calling for submission of pictures to be included in the Photo Essay on Women Embracing Technology for
Community Development. Photos must be:
* Original photos depicting women using various forms of information technology (radio including transmitter, antenna; video; computers, etc.)
* Short description of the photograph including the context in which it was taken, who is/are in the photo, where it was taken etc.
* Resolution must be 300 dpi or higher
* Deadline for submission of photos is on 22 August 2010.
Please send your abstracts/articles and photos to Bianca Miglioretto ( and / or Anna M. Dinglasan (
Date of publication of the issue: October 2010.
More information here.