The Thatcher Hoffman Smith Award (US)

28 June 2010
The Thatcher Hoffman Smith Award (US)
The Thatcher Hoffman Smith Prize, established in 2002, is a biennial prize honoring the creative process, Creativity in Motion. This prize celebrates a visionary creative work in process, recognizing the power of original thought and expression in possibly enriching the world around us. The work or project must be under way at the time of application. This prize is open to all fields of creativity, including, but not limited to, the arts, cultural affairs, education and science. Those individuals or organizations making successful proposals will be awarded grants up to, but not in excess of, $40,000 from the committee. The committee’s awards panel will select for funding those projects that fulfill the selection guidelines below.

The prize is available to U.S. citizens and may be used in any way the recipient chooses. You do not have to be a 501(c)3 to qualify for this opportunity.

Applications are available through the Creativity in Motion website by downloading it here. You may also request application materials by contacting Kristi Morgan at (405) 325-2347 or


The guidelines below will be considered when making prize determinations. The weight given to each of these guidelines will be determined by the prize panel. The panel will decide whether the proposed project:

* will be of highest quality
* is original
* clearly explains the applicant’s creative process
* provides proof that the proposed project is in progress
* will be successfully carried out by applicant
* has such other qualities which lead the awards panel to conclude that an award is appropriate, and has the possibility of enriching the world around us.


Fair judging demands that all proposals follow exactly the same form. Therefore, to be considered by the prize panel, each application must follow the filing requirements listed below. The grant will be offered biennially, with the next deadline for submission in August, 2010.

1. The deadline for 2011 prize is Tuesday, August 31, 2010. Applications must be postmarked by this date or they will not be considered. Early submission of applications by mail is encouraged. Applications should be mailed to The Thatcher Hoffman Smith Prize, University of Oklahoma, College of Arts & Sciences, 633 Elm Avenue, Room 323, Norman, OK 73019-3118

2. Applicants must submit (1) original and (3) complete copies of each prize application. The dimensions of each application should not exceed 8-1/2” x 11”. Separate each copy with paper clips or by inserting a different color sheet of paper between applications. Four (4) complete copies total.

Individuals/ organizations will receive official notification of prizes by mail in January, 2011 with the prize awarded at a presentation in March 2011.

More information here.
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