Paying Market: Basement Stories Magazine

28 June 2010
Paying Market: Basement Stories Magazine
Pay Rate: 1¢ / word (fiction and nonfiction), $10 flat (poetry)


Send One to five poems in a .doc, .docx, or .rtf attachment to, with the subject line POETRY: YOUR LAST NAME. There's no length limit here: we at Basement Stories are huge fans of epic poetry, so if you've got it, send it. We pay a flat rate of ten dollars a poem (unless it's really epic).

Short Stories

We're primarily looking for science fiction or fantasy stories, but will take anything that's good, so if you have a more conventional story you think would firt our mag, send it our way. We prefer short stories under 6,000 words, because after that our minds tend to drift a bit, but if you have longer pieces that you feel are exceptional enough to merit a longer word count, we'll take a look at them. Send your stories in in a .doc, .docx, or .rtf files to with FICTION: Your LAST NAME in the subjet line. Pay rate is one cent a word.

Non Fiction

We're accepting all kinds of non fiction - articles, interviews, reviews,academic papers, or essays - as long as they're somehow related to science fiction and fantasy. If you have an idea that you think would fit our magazine, please query first. Send an email with a short description of your piece to, with the subject line NONFICTION QUERY: YOUR LAST NAME. Pay rate is, like for fiction, one cent a word.

Reprints and Simultaneous Submissions

We accept both!

More information here.
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