Writer's name: Arlene Ang
Title of work: So Mother Likes to Tell It
Genre: poem
Name of magazine/journal: Every Day Genius
Issue: February 2010
Author's bio: Arlene Ang is the author of four poetry collections, the most recent being a collaborative work with Valerie Fox, Bundles of Letters Including A, V and Epsilon (Texture Press, 2008). She lives in Spinea, Italy where she serves as staff editor for The Pedestal Magazine and Press 1. More of her work may be viewed at http://www.leafscape.org/.
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Title of work: So Mother Likes to Tell It
Genre: poem
Name of magazine/journal: Every Day Genius
Issue: February 2010
Author's bio: Arlene Ang is the author of four poetry collections, the most recent being a collaborative work with Valerie Fox, Bundles of Letters Including A, V and Epsilon (Texture Press, 2008). She lives in Spinea, Italy where she serves as staff editor for The Pedestal Magazine and Press 1. More of her work may be viewed at http://www.leafscape.org/.
(Let us know of your publication or forthcoming publication so we can publicize it on the site. Please submit a write-up with information found above plus the link where your work appears in; or you may check the Good Reads Elsewhere guidelines found under the "Submissions" link.)
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