Demand Studios Hiring Freelance Writers (Worth a Check)

09 April 2010
Demand Studios Hiring Freelance Writers (Worth a Check)
Submitted articles are generally reviewed within 48 hours.

All approved articles are automatically paid out on Friday or Tuesday. No need to follow up or invoice us.

Our writers come from a variety of educational and occupational backgrounds. We generally look for one of the following, so make sure your resume speaks to at least one:

* College degree in journalism or related field
* Writing or journalism experience
* Overall expertise in a certain area
(ex. health, automotive, travel, etc)

We also require all writers to submit a writing sample. Writing samples are for application purposes only and we accept both published and unpublished pieces.

Think carefully about what you choose to submit, as our editors read all samples thoroughly. Here are some guidelines:

* Grammar matters – avoid sending samples with obvious spelling and grammatical mistakes.
* Think "encyclopedia" – Our articles are informative, so we want to know you can write in a clear, concise style.
* Showcase your skills – Overly technical papers, poems and colloquial blogs do not allow us to properly judge your writing ability.

(More information HERE.)
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