Open Worldwide: The Reading Room's Aspiring Writers Competition 2012 ($1,000 top prize | international)

27 July 2012
Open Worldwide: The Reading Room's Aspiring Writers Competition 2012 ($1,000 top prize | international)
Deadline: 12 August 2012

Would the opening page of your writing grab the attention of a reader?

Submit the first 450 words (one page) of your writing, to be appraised by a panel of industry experts including literary agent Catherine Drayton and successful authors of The Liar Society, Lisa & Laura Roecker.

The best 5 entries, will be announced at WriteOnCon and showcased on TheReadingRoom August 15th. Members will vote for their favorite entry and the entry with the most votes wins.

The page with the most votes WINs the grand prize of $1,000 and their own author profile page. Voting will close September 5th at midnight EST and the winner will be annouced September 6th, 2012.

TO ENTER: Please email your writing to in a word document or PDF.


By entering the “Aspiring Writers Competition 2012” on you are agreeing to the following Terms and Conditions and the Terms and Conditions of

  • Subject to clause 1b, 1c, 1d entry is open worldwide.
  • Entrants must be 16 years of age and over (that is, born after 31 July 1995) and a member of
  • Employees, their immediate families and friends of BDB Soti Pty Ltd are not eligible to enter.
  • The manuscript must be an original work, written entirely by the entrant and it must be written in English. It cannot be under the consideration of a publisher or have been previously published in print form, or in electronic form, on a commercial basis as part of or all of another work. All entrants must warrant that the work is original to them and that they are the owner of the Copyright.

  • The competition commences on Friday July 20th at 1730 and concludes September 5h, 2012 at midnight (EST).
  • Entrants must submit 450 words, approximately one page of Fiction writing to be appraised by a panel of industry experts.
  • The shortlisted entries will be published live on for other members to read and vote on their favorite entry. The entry with the most vote wins.
  • Entrants in the competition may enter more than once but only one work per entrant can be shortlisted.
  • Entries should be sent electronically to in a Microsoft Word document (.doc) or PDF. Please ensure that the entrant’s name is clearly identified on the top of the document.
  • Entries must be lodged by August 12th at 12pm midnight (EST).
  • The five shortlisted entries will be available publicly on on August 15th at 1730 and announced at the WriteOnCon conference.
  • Voting on the five shortlisted entries will close September 5th, 2012 at midnight (EST).
  • The winner will be announced September 6th, 2012 on and Write On Con

  • The shortlisted entry with the most votes made by members will win the grand prize of $1,000 and their own author profile page on
  • In the event of a tied vote the prize money will be split evenly between the two parties and both winning authors will receive an author profile page.
  • In participation of the prize, the winner and shortlisted winners agree to participate and co-operate as required in all editorial activities relating to the Competition. The shortlisted winners and the overall winner agree to grant permission to post their work onto the site to be viewed by a world wide audience.
  • The prize cannot be transferred or refunded.

  • The best five entrants, as judged by the panel, will be shortlisted for voting. If, in his or her opinion, no entry is worthy of the prize, no winner shall be chosen.
  • The shortlist of chosen entries can be viewed by members of Members will vote on their favorite and the entry with the most votes wins the grand prize.
  • Each member of can vote once on one entry only.
  • The decision is final and may not be entered into negotiation.
  • The winner will be told in strict confidence and the winner must agree to keep this news absolutely confidential until the simultaneous announcement and publication of the winning entry on September 6th, 2012.


For queries/ submissions:

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