Open to All Inspired Writers: The Young Leaders’ Poetry Competition 2012 (organized by UN- Accredited Olof Palme Peace Foundation)

27 July 2012
Open to All Inspired Writers: The Young Leaders’ Poetry Competition 2012 (organized by UN- Accredited Olof Palme Peace Foundation)
Deadline: 30 August 2012

Olof Palme Peace Foundation (OPPF) is a United Nations-accredited, not-for-profit, non-political, non-governmental organisation that seeks to protect and uphold the rights of those being marginalised. The organisation was founded in Ghana in 1986 by Osoronko Nana-Yabani, a linguist, historian, international poet and a UN peace messenger of Ghanaian origin. The OPPF headquarters were relocated to New York in 2007 to further build upon the organisation’s association with the United Nations Department of Public Information (UNDPI). Following the establishment of an OPPF chapter in Nairobi, Kenya, and in Stockholm, Sweden, along with close partnerships amongst various local women’s groups in eastern Kenya, OPPF is currently initiating a larger project focusing on women and children exposed to violence.


All inspired and interested high school students are encouraged to participate and speak out !

THEME: Engaging young women and men to advance gender equity!


• Gender violence (prevention, elimination, causes and effects)
• Promoting gender equity (Reducing inequality think equal)
• Women empowerment
• Role of women in addressing global issues (peace building, sustainable development, ending poverty)
• Overcoming gender stereotypes and traditional roles

HOW TO PARTICIPATE: Please submit one unpublished poem of no more than 300 lines that relates to the themes mentioned above to the mailing address below. You can also submit by email. The deadline for submission is August 30th 2012.

2012 AWARD CEREMONY: Award ceremony for winning poets will be held November 28th. Awards include 1st, 2nd and 3rd place finalists and honorable mentions. All awardees will have opportunity to read their poems in front of invited esteemed delegates from the UN agencies, UN missions, development partners and other young leaders.

For any inquiries and questions please contact information send an email to, or write us through the following address: 215 Park Avenue, South Suite 2010 New York, NY 10013.


For queries/ submissions:

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