Vacancy: Reporter for SWA Magazine Group, Jakarta

07 November 2010
Vacancy: Reporter for SWA Magazine Group, Jakarta
Invite you to join our team

Contributing on more than 20 years of innovation, SWA helps local or global businesses people and corporate communities through its leading articles with great & reliable success story. With more than 51.219 copies of nationwide circulation, we help to communicate your good image, excellent product or service commitment to your potential market that usually difficult to meet.

Well known as the most reputable leading business magazine read by major Indonesian executives, professionals and decision makers, certainly, we’re committed to always delivering all the readers and partners with highly satisfaction services. And, relating with thirty seven percent of SWA readers is strong independent career women and equally deserve in depth information on the current business affairs, that’s why SWA is not only providing information or business opportunity with fresh and original business ideas. We also help you reaching the excellent connectivity to various business communities through our off prints activities. Support with a very sound research and selective strategic partners, we are not only give rough data and facts, but turn it to be a comprehensive analysis and far beyond prediction.



* Pendidikan S1
* Memiliki minat yang tinggi dalam bidang jurnalistik
* Kemampuan Bahasa Inggris aktif
* Menyertakan artikel mengenai ekonomi dan bisnis (5000 karakter)

Tuliskan kode “REP”, dalam subjek email atau di sudut kiri atas surat lamaran. Kirimkan surat lamaran Anda dilengkapi CV, fotokopi KTP, fotokopi ijazah dan transkrip nilai, serta pasfoto terbaru ke alamat :

Kelompok Media Majalah SWA
Jl. Taman Tanah Abang III No. 23
Jakarta Pusat 10160

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More information here.
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