Nepal - US Embassy Poetry Slam Competition

09 November 2010
Nepal - US Embassy Poetry Slam Competition
Deadline: 30 November 2010

The U.S. Embassy, in collaboration with Quixote’s Cove (QC) book store and its annual QC Award, is now seeking original poetry submissions for a Slam Poetry competition. For this contest, the U.S. Embassy will bring three renowned slam poets from the United States to Nepal as part of its Cultural Envoy Program. Slam poetry combines original written poetry with performance elements. This year’s QC Award’s theme is “What Inspires You.”

The contest will take part in four phases:

Phase 1 – Call for Applications: November 1 - November 30 (submission deadline is 5pm)

The contest is open to all participants between the ages of 14 to 21. All poetry submissions will be reviewed by a panel composed of local writers, theatre actors and poets. Approximately 60 applicants will be selected to take part in student workshops with three visiting American slam poets.

Phase 2 - Workshop: 10 am - 4 pm December 7, Godavari Alumni Association (GAA)

All short-listed participants will take part in a one day workshop with the visiting poets. The workshops are designed to improve the participant's written poetry as well as hone their performance skills.

Phase 3 - Auditions: 10 am - 1 pm, December 10, GAA Hall

After the workshop short-listed participants will participate in an audition for the final contest. The participants will be judged by the visiting slam poets, and 20 final contestants will be selected.

Phase 4 - Contest: 1 pm - 4 pm, December 14, GAA Hall

The top five slam poets will be selected by a panel of judges.

Further details will be provided at an information session conducted at Quixote’s Cove on November 14 from 12 pm to 4 pm. Application forms will be available at Quixote’s Cove: the bookshop and can be downloaded from the bookshop website at:

NOTE: Slam poetry is a performance based recital of original poetry. The poetry can cover any topic and is judged based on the quality of the poem, expressiveness of the performer, audience response and performance style.

Quixote's Cove is a new bookshop in Jawalakhel, Lalitpur. It specializes in fiction, business and philosophy books and provides a unique Nepali spin on the old bookshop experience. Quixote's Cove also functions as an events management company for literary and art events. More details at:

More information here.
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