Date: 13, 20, 27 February 2013
The Archive’s mission is to provide a platform to promote a diverse and active cultural community, nurture a new generation into literature and education while at the same time, create a space of exploration and entertainment.
The Archive provides a non-commercial space for people to participate in book clubs, take part in design talks, engage in workshops, sign up for yoga classes, or simply read a book in the park. With a modern espresso bar and contemporary café, visitors are able to enjoy their stay comfortably in the center of the park.
Situated within Safa Park, The Archive is a hub for a wide range of events that promote an active cultural community with both educational and physical activities all in one place. The Archive’s diverse annual programming ensures that it is a space for everyone to enjoy, children and adults alike. Book launches, artists talks, outdoor film screenings, musical performances, workshops, physical activities and children’s events allow each individual to personally engage and contribute towards the space.
For queries:
The Archive’s mission is to provide a platform to promote a diverse and active cultural community, nurture a new generation into literature and education while at the same time, create a space of exploration and entertainment.
The Archive provides a non-commercial space for people to participate in book clubs, take part in design talks, engage in workshops, sign up for yoga classes, or simply read a book in the park. With a modern espresso bar and contemporary café, visitors are able to enjoy their stay comfortably in the center of the park.
Situated within Safa Park, The Archive is a hub for a wide range of events that promote an active cultural community with both educational and physical activities all in one place. The Archive’s diverse annual programming ensures that it is a space for everyone to enjoy, children and adults alike. Book launches, artists talks, outdoor film screenings, musical performances, workshops, physical activities and children’s events allow each individual to personally engage and contribute towards the space.
- Frank Dullaghan
- Date: February 13th
- Published and widely respected poet Frank Dullaghan will be guiding attendees through the world of poetry – looking at different poetic forms and styles and how to use language to create evocation, to bring rhythm and metre together on the page so the words create an emotional experience for the reader. He’ll also be looking at finding outlets for your poetry.
- Alexander McNabb
- Date: February 20th
- Alexander McNabbwill be be giving an author’s-eye view of the agenting and publishing process, from how to format your manuscript through creating a stellar synopsis, blistering blurb and killer query. He’ll also be looking at how you can chuck all that up and do it yourself, from picking platforms through to getting reviews and promoting your work.
- Narain Jashanmal
- Date: February 27th
- If you want to understand how publishing ‘ticks’, who better to talk to than an industry ‘insider’? It’s amazing how many of us set out to put 100,000 words on paper without ever thinking about what’s actually going to happen to them at the end of the process. Narain Jashanmal is GM of Jashanmal Books and will take you on a roller coaster ride through the worlds of distribution, sales and retail. What do the public want? How do they get it? What makes people buy (and not buy!) books? What can you do to maximise your chances of success and give his sales team a nice, easy job when it comes to actually getting your books out there into peoples’ hands? And where is publishing going – and where should we as writers be going as a result?
For queries: