Seeking Applications Worldwide: Science and Technology Reporter for Quartz Global Business News Site

20 February 2013
Seeking Applications Worldwide: Science and Technology Reporter for Quartz Global Business News Site
(Note: Quartz's editorial headquarters are in New York City, but this position could be based elsewhere in the world.)

Quartz, the global business news site from the Atlantic Media Company, seeks a reporter to contribute to its coverage of science and technology news worldwide.

Working alongside Quartz’s lead science and technology writer, this reporter will cover topics ranging from basic research to multinational tech companies and will have the opportunity to help shape Quartz’s approach to this area of coverage.

Quartz aims to provide business professionals worldwide with reporting and analysis of the highest level of intelligence and creativity. It is focused on covering the most essential–and most interesting—developments to these core readers, and providing context and meaning to help efficiently process the news.

The science and technology reporter will have the opportunity to write pieces of varied lengths and time sensitivity. He or she should be able to conceptualize and write stories quickly as a blogger might, and should expect to be part of a team that works in the flow of news. The science and technology reporter should also have experience doing ambitious, deep reporting and covering sensitive news to a high standard of excellence.

This reporter should be excited about using innovative approaches to conveying information, such as data visualizations and purpose-built apps. He or she should feel comfortable with using formats other than 700-word articles (such as shorter pieces, photos and charts) when they’re better for efficiently and effectively getting a story across.

This reporter will be held to high standards of journalism and intellectual creativity. An obsession with news, a global worldview, and a strong interest in digital editorial innovation are all core requirements.

This job offers the unique chance to work on a startup that is digitally native, journalistic and global in scope. The team’s mandate is to be bold in creating a disruptive digital publication of bracingly intelligent creativity. Launched in September, Quartz represents the most important new initiative for the company since The Atlantic Monthly in 1857. More information about Quartz and its editorial team can be found here and here.

  • 3+ years reporting/blogging experience that has generated a portfolio of agenda-setting coverage, including scoops, deeply reported articles, highly analytical pieces, and hard-hitting profiles and Q&As
  • International experience and foreign language skills
  • Facility with data and data analysis in reporting and experience with using regulatory filings
  • Deep interest in coverage of global business, science and technology
  • An ability to write cleanly and quickly, and at volume
  • Digital reporting, publishing and social media experience
  • Excellent communication skills, ability to multi-task and prioritize, strong attention to detail
All applicants should be prepared to present samples of their previous work as part of the interview process.

Atlantic Media Company is en Equal Opportunity Employer.


For submissions: Via Atlantic Media's career website

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